Re: Mandatory -dbg packages for libraries?
On Tue, Apr 24, 2007, Josselin Mouette wrote:
> Apport sends complete core dumps, which is a very bad idea. The dumps
> can be huge (for desktop applications they often grow beyond 200MB) and
> they can contain gazillions of sensitive information.
But Apport is written already, and it's also the path that Windows
crash report and Mozilla's talkback tools have taken; these
corporations might not represent our ideals, but they present examples
of deployed and working solutions.
I don't think it's still 200 MB compressed, but some input from Ubuntu
folks could help.
> Using a central server for symbol lookup like Ben proposed looks like a
> better idea. It needs gdb to be adapted or wrapped to access them
> correctly, though.
Yes, it sounds like a good idea; I suppose it might offer less
possibilities, but a good stack trace is often good enough. However
modifying gdb sounds like a lot of hard work. I don't know how Apport
works on the server side, but if this part of Apport could be made to
run on the client and to fetch the relevant files, this might have all
advantages of not sending the sensitive core dumps, not uploading too
much data, and being available without too much development.
Loïc Minier
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