Re: merging BTS manual and d.o/Bugs documentation?
On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 02:26:30AM +0200, Nico Golde wrote:
> Hi,
Hi Nico!
> Mario Iseli [0]reported that he started to translate the BTS
> manual into german (good idea btw!)
Thank you...
> What makes me wonder is that there is also [1]another
> manual which has more or less the same content and is
> already translated.
I really like those "manuals" on, they are
printerfriendly, nice layout and look really professional, maybe like a
book. I do mostly make a difference - an explanation of some functions
and a reference.
> I see no real benefit to have both documents, what do you
> think about merging them or just use one?
I'd say remove the very detailed explanations like the bts tags from the
/Bugs page and instead make a link to the reference manual. This is just
my own oppinion, maybe I'm wrong...
.''`. Mario Iseli <>
: :' : proud user of Debian unstable
`. `'`
`- Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing a system
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