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Re: co-mentor for a GSoC proposal wanted: debbugs web submission

jmalonzo@gmail.com (Jan Michael C. Alonzo) writes:

> Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> writes:
>> A large fraction of bug reports are bad or incomplete, so you need to ensure
>> that you can contact bug submitters for more information.
>> HTTP doesn't give you a callback mechanism, so you need to be able to tie
>> the web submission back to an email address.
>> You want to avoid joe-jobbing, so you require registration in advance of
>> allowing bug submissions.
>> Now you've reimplemented bugzilla, congratulations; and it's still inferior
>> to reportbug because the website can't automatically gather information
>> about the package status on your system when you submit a bug.

Hi! Sure and I am with you here. But a debbugs web submission is not and I
hope will not be a replacement for reportbug. I use reportbug myself and I
like it a lot and it's very useful but sometimes, for example, filing an ITP
can be a PITA. There are around > 5000 bugs that I need to look at just to
make sure I'm not filing a duplicate bug. And some people don't have that much
time to do that.

As for the web submission, there has to be something that will gather data
about the reporter's environment and as such should be attached to the bug
reports. I guess this is something the student should include in his or her

If somebody takes this project, I'm sure Debian will get something out of it.
If it doesn't work, then at least we can identify why it didn't work, etc....




They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
                --Benjamin Franklin, 1759

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