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Re: Proposed new POSIX sh policy, version two

Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:

> Somebody needs to explain to Jari the concept of a shared text segment.


anthony@Feynman:~$ grep 'Private_Dirty' /proc/$$/smaps | perl -e '$t = 0; while (<>) { /(\d+) kB$/ or die "parse err: $_"; $t += $1 } print "tot: $t\n"'
tot: 2800


$ grep 'Private_Dirty' /proc/$$/smaps | perl -e '$t = 0; while (<>) { /(\d+) kB$/ or die "parse err: $_"; $t += $1 } print "tot: $t\n"'
tot: 84

Indeed, checking /proc/pid/status, we find bash's VmData is a mere 16
times larger than dash's.

Something tells me that 2.8MB * 20 could indeed be a problem on a 64MB

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