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List of packages with problems wrt release


Here is a list (sorted by maintainer email) of packages:
- that have RC bugs
- that are in unstable, but not in testing

(U) means "Uploader".

Steve McIntyre <93sam@debian.org>
  motifnls: in unstable (2.1-9) but not in testing.

Marc Dequènes (Duck) <Duck@DuckCorp.org>
  cdbs (U): has RC bugs (#387103, #400290)
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.
  mediawiki1.5 (U): in unstable (1.5.8-1) but not in testing.

Markus Loeberbauer <Loeberbauer@ssw.jku.at>
  coco-cpp: in unstable (20061206-1) but not in testing.

Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr>
  xtla: has RC bugs (#403058)

Oliver Elphick <Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk>
  eglade: in unstable (0.3.7-2) but not in testing.
  egnome: in unstable (0.cvs20020302-4) but not in testing.

Thomas Lamy <Thomas.Lamy@in-online.net>
  clamav (U): has RC bugs (#401873, #403034)

Wolfgang Baer <WBaer@gmx.de>
  charva (U): in unstable (1.1.1-3) but not in testing.
  checkstyle (U): in unstable (4.1-1) but not in testing.
  dresden-ocl (U): in unstable (1.1-10) but not in testing.
  libgnujaxp-java (U): in unstable (1.3-7) but not in testing.
  libsaxpath-java (U): in unstable (1.0.0FCS-6) but not in testing.

Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org>
  db4.5 (U): in unstable (4.5.20-1) but not in testing.

Abraham vd Merwe <abz@debian.org>
  ftm: in unstable (0.0.7) but not in testing.
  libabz: in unstable (0.6.3) but not in testing.
  libber: in unstable (0.4.2) but not in testing.
  orca: in unstable (0.2.3) but not in testing.
  potion: in unstable (0.0.4) but not in testing.
  tinysnmp: in unstable (0.8.4) but not in testing.

Achim Bohnet <ach@mpe.mpg.de>
  codeine (U): has RC bugs (#403131)

Julien Danjou <acid@debian.org>
  varmon: has RC bugs (#401236)
  xen-unstable (U): in unstable (3.0-unstable+hg11561-1) but not in testing.

Adam D. McKenna <adam@debian.org>
  tmda: in unstable (1.0.3-1) but not in testing.

Adam Majer <adamm@zombino.com>
  mysql-admin: has RC bugs (#403081)
  mysql-query-browser: has RC bugs (#403082)

Adam Conrad <adconrad@0c3.net>
  apache2 (U): has RC bugs (#396265, #400918)
  db4.5 (U): in unstable (4.5.20-1) but not in testing.
  php5 (U): has RC bugs (#402506)

Alexandre Fayolle <afayolle@debian.org>
  python-scipy (U): has RC bugs (#402783)

Agney Lopes Roth Ferraz <agney@debian.org>
  hardinfo: in unstable (0.4.1-8) but not in testing.

Guido Guenther <agx@sigxcpu.org>
  pykerberos: in unstable (0.0.svn271-1) but not in testing.

Al Stone <ahs3@debian.org>
  libpfm2: in unstable (2.0-6) but not in testing.
  libpfm3: in unstable (3.2.060926-2) but not in testing.
  llvm: in unstable (1.8b-1) but not in testing.
  qprof: in unstable (0.5.2-4) but not in testing.

Andrew Mitchell <ajmitch@debian.org>
  gnue-appserver: in unstable (0.4.3-1) but not in testing.
  gnue-common: in unstable (0.6.1-1) but not in testing.
  gnue-forms: in unstable (0.5.13-1) but not in testing.
  pnet: in unstable (0.7.4-1) but not in testing.
  pnet-assemblies: in unstable (0.7.4-1) but not in testing.

Andrew Mitchell <ajmitch@gnu.org>
  gnue-designer: in unstable (0.5.7-1) but not in testing.
  gnue-navigator: in unstable (0.0.9-1) but not in testing.
  gnue-reports: in unstable (0.1.8-1) but not in testing.
  pnetc: in unstable (0.6.12-1) but not in testing.

Anthony Towns <ajt@debian.org>
  update-inetd: has RC bugs (#399788)

Alan Baghumian <alan@technotux.org>
  ttf-freefarsi (U): in unstable (1.0.0~alpha5-1) but not in testing.

Alejandro Rios P. <alejandro.rios@avatar.com.co>
  op-panel (U): in unstable (0.26.dfsg-5) but not in testing.

Gerfried Fuchs <alfie@debian.org>
  libmetakit2.4.9.3: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Amaya Rodrigo Sastre <amaya@debian.org>
  amaya (U): in unstable (9.51-2.1) but not in testing.
  twiki (U): has RC bugs (#402817)

Aaron Matthew Read <amread@nyx.net>
  smlnj: in unstable (110.52-1) but not in testing.

Ana Beatriz Guerrero Lopez <ana@debian.org>
  amarok (U): has RC bugs (#402309)

Stuart R. Anderson <anderson@netsweng.com>
  lsb-build-cc2: in unstable (2.1.1-6) but not in testing.
  lsb-build-cc3: in unstable (3.1.1-1) but not in testing.

Andre Bertelli Araujo <andre@bertelli.name>
  hlbr: in unstable (1.1-1) but not in testing.

Andreas Schuldei <andreas@debian.org>
  debian-edu-config (U): in unstable (0.409) but not in testing.
  debian-edu-install (U): in unstable (0.659) but not in testing.
  webmin-ldap-user-simple: in unstable (1.4-6) but not in testing.

Andrei Pelinescu-Onciul <andrei@iptel.org>
  ser (U): in unstable (0.9.6-2) but not in testing.

Andreas Franzen <anfra@debian.org>
  pgapack: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Dmitry Borodaenko <angdraug@debian.org>
  samizdat: in unstable (0.6.0-3) but not in testing.

Adam Di Carlo <aph@debian.org>
  boot-floppies (U): in unstable (3.0.23) but not in testing.

Andrew Pollock <apollock@debian.org>
  vaiostat (U): in unstable (1.2-7) but not in testing.

Arnaud Quette <aquette@debian.org>
  ksynaptics (U): in unstable (0.3.1-2) but not in testing.

Ryuichi Arafune <arafune@debian.org>
  imagemagick: has RC bugs (#401047)

Ardo van Rangelrooij <ardo@debian.org>
  db2latex-xsl (U): in unstable (0.8pre1-6.1) but not in testing.

Ari Pollak <ari@debian.org>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Arjan Oosting <arjan@debian.org>
  c2hs: has RC bugs (#402979)
  haskell-filepath: has RC bugs (#403197)
  haskell-uulib: has RC bugs (#403091)

Arnaud Cornet <arnaud.cornet@gmail.com>
  libmmap-ruby: in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby: in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.
  xyssl: in unstable (0.2.dfsg.1-1) but not in testing.

Andrés Roldán <aroldan@debian.org>
  elfsh: in unstable (0.65rc1-1) but not in testing.

Artur R. Czechowski <arturcz@hell.pl>
  php4-rrdtool: in unstable (1.04-15) but not in testing.

Alexander Sack <asac@debian.org>
  icedove: has RC bugs (#402886)

Antonio S. de A. Terceiro <asaterceiro@inf.ufrgs.br>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Arnaud Vandyck <avdyk@debian.org>
  charva (U): in unstable (1.1.1-3) but not in testing.
  checkstyle (U): in unstable (4.1-1) but not in testing.
  dresden-ocl (U): in unstable (1.1-10) but not in testing.
  libgnujaxp-java (U): in unstable (1.3-7) but not in testing.
  libsaxpath-java (U): in unstable (1.0.0FCS-6) but not in testing.

Alan Woodland <awoodland@debian.org>
  mozilla-traybiff: in unstable (1.2.2-10) but not in testing.

Alexander Zangerl <az@debian.org>
  libclass-trait-perl: in unstable (0.22-2) but not in testing.

Alen Zekulic <azekulic@fesb.hr>
  felt: in unstable (3.06-9.1) but not in testing.

Bill Allombert <ballombe@debian.org>
  menu: has RC bugs (#374834)

Barak A. Pearlmutter <bap@debian.org>
  bookmarksftp (U): has RC bugs (#402326)

Denis Barbier <barbier@debian.org>
  tarcust: in unstable (0.9.0-3) but not in testing.

Bart Martens <bartm@knars.be>
  freedroidrpg: in unstable (0.9.13-1) but not in testing.
  gamazons: in unstable (0.83-1) but not in testing.
  gmorgan: in unstable (0.25-1) but not in testing.
  grhino: in unstable (0.15.2-1) but not in testing.
  gwhere: in unstable (0.2.3.dfsg.1-1) but not in testing.
  kcheckers: in unstable (0.8.1-1) but not in testing.

Baruch Even <baruch@debian.org>
  kvm: in unstable (7-1) but not in testing.

Bas Zoetekouw <bas@debian.org>
  exscalibar: in unstable (1.0.4-8) but not in testing.

Basil Shubin <bashu@surgut.ru>
  emacs-color-themes: in unstable (6.5.4-1) but not in testing.

Christian Bayle <bayle@debian.org>
  crystalspace: in unstable (0.99-20060125-2) but not in testing.
  crystalspace-data: in unstable (0.98-20040623-1) but not in testing.
  gatos: in unstable (0.0.5-16) but not in testing.
  gforge-theme-starterpack: in unstable (3.1-1) but not in testing.

Brian White <bcwhite@pobox.com>
  scrabble: in unstable (1.9-1) but not in testing.
  scribble: in unstable (1.10-1) but not in testing.

Bdale Garbee <bdale@gag.com>
  tar: has RC bugs (#402179)

Hilko Bengen <bengen@debian.org>
  drupal-theme-marvinclassic: in unstable (4.5+20041123-1) but not in testing.
  drupal-theme-unconed: in unstable (4.5+20041123-1) but not in testing.

Michael Biebl <biebl@debian.org>
  hal (U): has RC bugs (#370186)

Gaetano Paolone (bigpaul) <bigpaul@debian.org>
  odontolinux: in unstable (0.6.1-7.2) but not in testing.

Eduard Bloch <blade@debian.org>
  gecko-sharp (U): in unstable (0.6-4) but not in testing.
  lufs: in unstable (0.9.7-8.1) but not in testing.
  mono (U): has RC bugs (#394418)
  ppscsi: in unstable (0.3) but not in testing.
  scsi-idle: in unstable (2.4.23-5) but not in testing.

Blars Blarson <blarson@blars.org>
  hinfo: has RC bugs (#402316)

Marco Bodrato <bodrato@gulp.linux.it>
  twin: in unstable (0.5.1-3) but not in testing.
  twutils: in unstable (0.2-7.1) but not in testing.

Søren Boll Overgaard <boll@debian.org>
  mlmmjadmd: in unstable (0.4-1.1) but not in testing.

Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org>
  xorg-docs (U): has RC bugs (#403061)
  xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting (U): in unstable (1.6.5.git20061014.ac1-1) but not in testing.
  xserver-xorg-video-mga (U): has RC bugs (#392500)

Branden Robinson <branden@progeny.com>
  localeconf (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Goswin von Brederlow <brederlo@informatik.uni-tuebingen.de>
  defrag: in unstable (0.73pjm1-8) but not in testing.

Brian Bassett <brianb@debian.org>
  roy: in unstable (1.0.8-1.1) but not in testing.

Marcus Brinkmann <brinkmd@debian.org>
  gnumach (U): in unstable (2:1.3.99.dfsg.1-1) but not in testing.
  hurd (U): in unstable (20060825-2) but not in testing.
  mig (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Mark Brown <broonie@debian.org>
  tendra: has RC bugs (#403215)

Christian Perrier <bubulle@debian.org>
  localization-config (U): in unstable (1.0) but not in testing.

CDBS Hackers <build-common-hackers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  cdbs: has RC bugs (#387103, #400290)

Debian buildd-tools Developers <buildd-tools-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  schroot: has RC bugs (#401180)

Jarda (ByCzech) Mikulik <byczech@malyjarda.cz>
  mozilla-locale-cs: in unstable (1.7.5-1) but not in testing.

Camm Maguire <camm@enhanced.com>
  acl2: in unstable (3.1-1) but not in testing.
  gclcvs: in unstable (2.7.0-64) but not in testing.

Cameron Dale <camrdale@gmail.com>
  torrentflux: in unstable (2.1-6) but not in testing.

Carlos Perelló Marín <carlos@pemas.net>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Domenico Andreoli <cavok@debian.org>
  kernel-patch-2.6-reiser4 (U): in unstable (20050715-1) but not in testing.

Carlos Barros <cbf@debian.org>
  linpac: in unstable (0.16stable-0.1) but not in testing.

Székelyi Szabolcs <cc@mail.3d.hu>
  libvrb: in unstable (0.5.1-4) but not in testing.

Cédric Delfosse <cedric@debian.org>
  sabayon: has RC bugs (#402607)

Pierre Chifflier <chifflier@cpe.fr>
  wzdftpd: has RC bugs (#403080)

Nacho Barrientos Arias <chipi@criptonita.com>
  zinc-compiler: in unstable (1.0.2-6) but not in testing.

Christian Meder <chris@absolutegiganten.org>
  hula (U): in unstable (0.1.0+svn379-2.1) but not in testing.

Rudi Cilibrasi <cilibrar@cilibrar.com>
  complearn-gui: in unstable (0.9.7-1) but not in testing.
  complearn-mpi: in unstable (0.9.6-1) but not in testing.
  libcomplearn: in unstable (0.9.7-1) but not in testing.
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Adrian von Bidder <cmot@debian.org>
  rapple: in unstable (1.0-1) but not in testing.

Neil Williams <codehelp@debian.org>
  apt-cross: in unstable (0.0.5) but not in testing.

Pawel Wiecek <coven@debian.org>
  e3: in unstable (1:2.70-2) but not in testing.
  kernel-patch-quota: in unstable (2.4.24-1) but not in testing.
  kernel-patch-time: in unstable (2.4.24-1) but not in testing.
  kernel-patch-ttl: in unstable (2.4.24-1) but not in testing.

Christian T. Steigies <cts@debian.org>
  kernel-patch-2.4.27-m68k: in unstable (2.4.27-1) but not in testing.

Changwoo Ryu <cwryu@debian.org>
  python-cjkcodecs: in unstable (1.1.1-2) but not in testing.
  python-iconvcodec: in unstable (1.1.2-3) but not in testing.

Johann Rudloff <cypheon@gmx.net>
  uncrustify: in unstable (0.30-1) but not in testing.

Cyril Bouthors <cyril@bouthors.org>
  fwatch: in unstable (0.1-alpha-3) but not in testing.

Dafydd Harries <daf@debian.org>
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Dafydd Harries <daf@muse.19inch.net>
  mozilla-locale-cy: in unstable (1.7-1) but not in testing.

Daigo Moriwaki <daigo@debian.org>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Dave Beckett <dajobe@debian.org>
  ikvm: in unstable ( but not in testing.

David Moreno Garza <damog@debian.org>
  gxmms: in unstable (0.3.0-4) but not in testing.
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Daniel Baumann <daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net>
  ipac-ng: in unstable (1.31-3) but not in testing.

Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org>
  dmenu: in unstable (1.4-1) but not in testing.
  dwm-tools: has RC bugs (#402816)
  fatresize (U): in unstable (1.0.2-1) but not in testing.
  fsh: in unstable (1.2-7) but not in testing.
  iceweasel-l10n: in unstable (2.0+debian-1) but not in testing.
  ieee80211: in unstable (1.1.14-1) but not in testing.
  keyutils: in unstable (1.2-1) but not in testing.
  minit: in unstable (0.10-3) but not in testing.
  pftp: in unstable (1.1.6-5) but not in testing.
  sodipodi: in unstable (0.34-8) but not in testing.
  xmms: has RC bugs (#403214)

dann frazier <dannf@hp.com>
  libpfm2 (U): in unstable (2.0-6) but not in testing.
  libpfm3 (U): in unstable (3.2.060926-2) but not in testing.

W.A. van der Meeren <danny@illogic.nl>
  scalpel: in unstable (1.60-1) but not in testing.
  vinetto: in unstable (0.6.0~alpha-1) but not in testing.

Adeodato Simó <dato@net.com.org.es>
  amarok: has RC bugs (#402309)

David L. Moreno <david.lopez.moreno@hispalinux.es>
  kimdaba: in unstable (2.1-1) but not in testing.

David Parker <david@neongoat.com>
  libdbi: in unstable (0.7.2-1) but not in testing.
  libdbi-drivers: in unstable (0.7.1-3.1) but not in testing.

David N. Welton <davidw@debian.org>
  rivet: in unstable (0.5.0-3.1) but not in testing.
  tcldom: in unstable (3.0-1.3) but not in testing.

Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org>
  urlscan: in unstable (0.5.1) but not in testing.

W. Borgert <debacle@debian.org>
  db2latex-xsl (U): in unstable (0.8pre1-6.1) but not in testing.
  devel-protocols (U): in unstable (1.5) but not in testing.

Debian Apache Maintainers <debian-apache@lists.debian.org>
  apache2: has RC bugs (#396265, #400918)

Debian Arabic Packaging Team <debian-arabic-packages@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  ttf-freefarsi: in unstable (1.0.0~alpha5-1) but not in testing.

Debian Install System Team <debian-boot@lists.debian.org>
  boot-floppies: in unstable (3.0.23) but not in testing.
  linux-modules-di-mips-2.6: in unstable (1.00) but not in testing.
  linux-modules-di-s390-2.6: in unstable (1.00) but not in testing.
  preseed: has RC bugs (#400694)
  sarge-support: in unstable (0.02) but not in testing.

Debian-BR Team Maintainers <debian-devel-portuguese@lists.debian.org>
  mozilla-locale-ptbr: in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.

Debian Edu Developers <debian-edu@lists.debian.org>
  debian-edu-config: in unstable (0.409) but not in testing.
  debian-edu-install: in unstable (0.659) but not in testing.

Debian GCC maintainers <debian-gcc@lists.debian.org>
  gcc-snapshot: in unstable (20061022-1) but not in testing.

GNU Hurd Maintainers <debian-hurd@lists.debian.org>
  gnumach: in unstable (2:1.3.99.dfsg.1-1) but not in testing.
  hurd: in unstable (20060825-2) but not in testing.
  mig: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Debian kernel team <debian-kernel@lists.debian.org>
  initramfs-tools: has RC bugs (#401916)
  initrd-tools: in unstable ( but not in testing.
  linux-2.6: has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)

Debian OpenOffice Team <debian-openoffice@lists.debian.org>
  oooqs: in unstable (2.0.3-7) but not in testing.
  openoffice.org: has RC bugs (#401325)

Progeny Debian Packaging Team <debian-packages@progeny.com>
  aptconf: in unstable (0.8-0.1) but not in testing.
  localeconf: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Debian X Strike Force <debian-x@lists.debian.org>
  xorg-docs: has RC bugs (#403061)
  xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting: in unstable (1.6.5.git20061014.ac1-1) but not in testing.
  xserver-xorg-video-mga: has RC bugs (#392500)

Debian XML/SGML Group <debian-xml-sgml-pkgs@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  db2latex-xsl: in unstable (0.8pre1-6.1) but not in testing.
  passivetex: in unstable (1.25-2) but not in testing.

Liyang HU <debian.org@liyang.hu>
  gtk2hs: in unstable (0.9.10-2) but not in testing.

Fabian Franz <debian@fabian-franz.de>
  qtparted: in unstable (0.4.5-2) but not in testing.

Mohammed Sameer <debian@foolab.org>
  unidesc: in unstable (2.22-1) but not in testing.

Andrew McMillan <debian@mcmillan.net.nz>
  dbbalancer: in unstable (0.4.4-9) but not in testing.

Soeren Sonnenburg <debian@nn7.de>
  cpufire-applet: in unstable (1.2-2) but not in testing.

Yaroslav Halchenko <debian@onerussian.com>
  bookmarksftp: has RC bugs (#402326)

Jose Carlos Medeiros <debian@psabs.com.br>
  knowledgetree: in unstable (2.0.7-3) but not in testing.

Piotr Roszatycki <dexter@debian.org>
  latex-xft-fonts: in unstable (0.1-5) but not in testing.
  libapache-mod-rpaf: in unstable (0.5-2) but not in testing.
  vde: has RC bugs (#392069)

David Gil <dgil@telefonica.net>
  acidbase: in unstable (1.2.7-2) but not in testing.
  gnudoku: in unstable (0.93-1) but not in testing.

Andres Salomon <dilinger@debian.org>
  hostap-driver: in unstable (1:0.4.1-1) but not in testing.
  libapache2-mod-xmlrpc2: in unstable (2.2.1-2) but not in testing.
  linux-2.6 (U): has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)
  ndiswrapper-modules-i386: in unstable (1.1-2) but not in testing.
  trac (U): has RC bugs (#386415, #400826)

Dima Barsky <dima@debian.org>
  xkeysw: in unstable (1.1-1.3) but not in testing.

Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>
  ltt: in unstable (0.9.5+really0.9.6pre4-1.1) but not in testing.

Frank Lichtenheld <djpig@debian.org>
  qtparted (U): in unstable (0.4.5-2) but not in testing.

Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg-debian.org@fifthhorseman.net>
  libvorbisidec: in unstable (1.0.2+svn12153-1) but not in testing.

Daniel Kahn Gillmor <dkg@fifthhorseman.net>
  resolvconf (U): has RC bugs (#393323)

David Pye <dmp@davidmpye.dyndns.org>
  xbox-cromwell: in unstable (2.40-1) but not in testing.

David Nusinow <dnusinow@debian.org>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.
  xorg-docs (U): has RC bugs (#403061)
  xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting (U): in unstable (1.6.5.git20061014.ac1-1) but not in testing.
  xserver-xorg-video-mga (U): has RC bugs (#392500)

Matthias Klose <doko@debian.org>
  eclipse (U): in unstable (3.2.1-2) but not in testing.
  gcc-snapshot (U): in unstable (20061022-1) but not in testing.
  libadabindx (U): in unstable (0.7.2-6) but not in testing.
  zope-localizer (U): in unstable (1.0.1-11) but not in testing.

Adam Heath <doogie@brainfood.com>
  jmagick: in unstable (6.2.4-1-1) but not in testing.

Mikhail Gusarov <dottedmag@dottedmag.net>
  python-urljr: in unstable (1.0.0-2) but not in testing.
  python-yadis: in unstable (1.0.1-2) but not in testing.

Drew Parsons <dparsons@debian.org>
  xserver-xorg-video-i810-modesetting (U): in unstable (1.6.5.git20061014.ac1-1) but not in testing.

Jonas Smedegaard <dr@jones.dk>
  cdbs (U): has RC bugs (#387103, #400290)
  initrd-netboot: in unstable (0.7.0b-2) but not in testing.
  lessdisks: in unstable (0.5.3cvs.20040906-17) but not in testing.
  linux-2.6 (U): has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)
  mozilla-locale-da: in unstable ( but not in testing.
  python-gdchart: in unstable (0.6.1-9) but not in testing.

Joe Drew <drew@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

David Schleef <ds@schleef.org>
  comedi: in unstable (0.7.70-2) but not in testing.
  scigraphica: in unstable (0.8.0-9.1) but not in testing.
  uclibc: in unstable (0.9.27-1) but not in testing.

David Watson <dwatson@debian.org>
  pybridge: in unstable (0.2.1-2) but not in testing.

David Kimdon <dwhedon@debian.org>
  boot-floppies (U): in unstable (3.0.23) but not in testing.

Eric Cooper <ecc@cmu.edu>
  ocaml-sha1: in unstable (0.9-2) but not in testing.

Ed Boraas <ed@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  kernel-patch-2.6-reiser4: in unstable (20050715-1) but not in testing.
  oskit: in unstable (0.97.20030827savannah-1) but not in testing.

Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd@debian.org>
  gtkdevice: in unstable (1.9.4-2) but not in testing.
  tclap: in unstable (1.1.0-1) but not in testing.

Edelhard Becker <edelhard@debian.org>
  atoppatch: in unstable (1:1.15-1) but not in testing.

Robert S. Edmonds <edmonds@debian.org>
  clamassassin: in unstable (1.2.3-1) but not in testing.

Eric Evans <eevans@sym-link.com>
  resolvconf (U): has RC bugs (#393323)

Edd Dumbill <ejad@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Krzysztof Krzyzaniak (eloy) <eloy@debian.org>
  libdanga-socket-perl (U): in unstable (1.55-1) but not in testing.
  libsys-syscall-perl (U): in unstable (0.22-1) but not in testing.

Emanuele Rocca <ema@debian.org>
  xfce4-datetime-plugin (U): in unstable (0.4.0-1) but not in testing.

Ernesto Hernández-Novich <emhn@telcel.net.ve>
  libcolor-calc-perl: in unstable (1.00-1) but not in testing.
  libemail-mime-perl: has RC bugs (#403088)

Emil Soleyman-Zomalan <emil@nishra.com>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Eric Schwartz (Skif) <emschwar@debian.org>
  gforth: has RC bugs (#389236)
  sg-utils: in unstable (1.02-3.1) but not in testing.

David Martínez Moreno <ender@debian.org>
  etl (U): in unstable (0.04.08-2) but not in testing.
  openmash: in unstable (5.2-4) but not in testing.
  synfig (U): in unstable (0.61.05-8) but not in testing.
  synfigstudio (U): in unstable (0.61.05-5) but not in testing.

Joao Eriberto Mota Filho <eriberto@eriberto.pro.br>
  chetcpasswd: in unstable (2.3.3-1) but not in testing.
  hlbr (U): in unstable (1.1-1) but not in testing.

Eric Dorland <eric@debian.org>
  iceweasel: in unstable (2.0+dfsg-1) but not in testing.

Eric Heintzmann <eric@gnustep.fr.st>
  pdfkit.framework (U): in unstable (0.8-6) but not in testing.

Erich Schubert <erich@debian.org>
  enigma-level-previews: in unstable (1.00-1) but not in testing.

Pierre Ancelot <eternityos@free.fr>
  hwtools: in unstable (0.8-6.1) but not in testing.

Eugeniy Meshcheryakov <eugen@debian.org>
  iceweasel-locale-uk: in unstable (2.0-1) but not in testing.

Dariush Pietrzak <eyck@kuszelas.com>
  mplayer (U): in unstable (1.0~rc1-7) but not in testing.

Fabian Fagerholm <fabbe@debian.org>
  etl (U): in unstable (0.04.08-2) but not in testing.
  synfig (U): in unstable (0.61.05-8) but not in testing.
  synfigstudio (U): in unstable (0.61.05-5) but not in testing.

Fabio M. Di Nitto <fabbione@fabbione.net>
  apache2 (U): has RC bugs (#396265, #400918)
  xserver-xorg-video-mga (U): has RC bugs (#392500)

Faidon Liambotis <faidon@cube.gr>
  hostap-driver (U): in unstable (1:0.4.1-1) but not in testing.

Finn-Arne Johansen <faj@bzz.no>
  debian-edu-config (U): in unstable (0.409) but not in testing.

Fathi Boudra <fboudra@free.fr>
  ksynaptics (U): in unstable (0.3.1-2) but not in testing.

Joel Baker <fenton@debian.org>
  zope-quotafolder: in unstable (0.1.1-2) but not in testing.

Fernando Ike de Oliveira <fike@midstorm.org>
  tclxml: has RC bugs (#402791)

Filipe Lautert <filipelautert@celepar.pr.gov.br>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Daniel Martin <fizbin@debian.org>
  fvwm95: in unstable (2.0.43ba-24.2) but not in testing.

Frans Pop <fjp@debian.org>
  linux-modules-di-mips-2.6 (U): in unstable (1.00) but not in testing.
  linux-modules-di-s390-2.6 (U): in unstable (1.00) but not in testing.
  preseed (U): has RC bugs (#400694)
  sarge-support (U): in unstable (0.02) but not in testing.

Florian M. Weps <fmw@debian.org>
  libooc-vo: in unstable (20020310-3) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-de-at: in unstable (1.7.13-1) but not in testing.

Anthony Fok <foka@debian.org>
  chdrv: in unstable (1.0.13p-3) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-zh-cn: in unstable (1.6-0.1) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-zh-tw: in unstable (1.6-0.1) but not in testing.
  scim-bridge (U): in unstable (0.2.4-1) but not in testing.
  tfm-arphic: in unstable (2.11.2-0.1) but not in testing.

Alexander Wirt <formorer@debian.org>
  dansguardian: has RC bugs (#402831)
  gcfilms: in unstable (6.1-2) but not in testing.

Francesco Cecconi <francesco.cecconi@gmail.com>
  libemail-find-perl: has RC bugs (#403089)

Francesco Paolo Lovergine <frankie@debian.org>
  schroot (U): has RC bugs (#401180)
  tpctl (U): in unstable (4.17-2) but not in testing.

Free Ekanayaka <free@agnula.org>
  t-gnus: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Free Ekanayaka <freee@debian.org>
  sysv-rc-bootsplash: in unstable (1.0.4-1) but not in testing.

Frederik Schüler <fs@debian.org>
  linux-2.6 (U): has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)

Felipe Sateler <fsateler@gmail.com>
  checkinstall: in unstable (1.6.1-1) but not in testing.

KELEMEN Péter <fuji@debian.org>
  xfingerd: in unstable (0.6-5) but not in testing.

Adam Cécile (Le_Vert) <gandalf@le-vert.net>
  audacious: in unstable (1.2.2-2) but not in testing.
  audacious-plugins: in unstable (1.2.5-1) but not in testing.
  deluge-torrent: in unstable (0.4.0-2) but not in testing.
  museek+: in unstable (0.1.12-2) but not in testing.
  pythondialog: in unstable (2.7-1) but not in testing.

Jure Cuhalev <gandalf@owca.info>
  mozilla-locale-sl: in unstable (1.7.2-1) but not in testing.

Radovan Garabík <garabik@kassiopeia.juls.savba.sk>
  ludevit: in unstable (2) but not in testing.

Ludovico Gardenghi <garden@acheronte.it>
  lwipv6 (U): in unstable (1.1-1) but not in testing.
  purelibc (U): in unstable (0.2-1) but not in testing.
  vde2 (U): in unstable (2.1.4-1) but not in testing.

Christian Welzel <gawain@camlann.de>
  typo3-site-installer: in unstable (0.94+debian-1) but not in testing.

Laszlo Boszormenyi (GCS) <gcs@debian.hu>
  cdw: in unstable (0.2.4-2) but not in testing.
  metalog: in unstable (0.7.0-2) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-hu: in unstable (1.7.13-1) but not in testing.

Gerardo Curiel <gcuriel@debianvenezuela.org>
  swi-prolog: in unstable (5.6.14-1) but not in testing.

Georges Khaznadar <georgesk@ofset.org>
  wims: in unstable (3.60-6) but not in testing.
  wims-extra: in unstable (3.60-1) but not in testing.

Riccardo Setti <giskard@autistici.org>
  gnome-presence-applet: in unstable (0.3.1-1) but not in testing.

Mike Hommey <glandium@debian.org>
  cascades: in unstable (0.4.0-3) but not in testing.
  checky: has RC bugs (#402327)
  ctxextensions: has RC bugs (#402325)
  diggler: has RC bugs (#401565, #402323)
  iceape (U): in unstable (1.0.6-1) but not in testing.
  iceweasel (U): in unstable (2.0+dfsg-1) but not in testing.
  livehttpheaders: has RC bugs (#401563)
  tabextensions: has RC bugs (#401564, #402321)
  xulrunner: has RC bugs (#393422)

Goedson Teixeira Paixao <goedson@debian.org>
  gabber2: in unstable (1.9.4+vcs20060705-1) but not in testing.
  jabberoo: in unstable (1.9.4+cvs20040709-8) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.

Gonéri Le Bouder <goneri@rulezlan.org>
  boson-base (U): in unstable (0.11-4) but not in testing.
  scorched3d (U): in unstable (40-1) but not in testing.

Gopal Narayanan <gopal@debian.org>
  yacas: in unstable (1.0.57-2.4) but not in testing.

Guilherme de S. Pastore <gpastore@colband.com.br>
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.

Guilherme de S. Pastore <gpastore@debian.org>
  john (U): in unstable (1.6-40) but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Matthew Grant <grantma@anathoth.gen.nz>
  apollon (U): has RC bugs (#395420, #402693)

Marek Habersack <grendel@debian.org>
  pmk: in unstable (0.9.3s2-2.1) but not in testing.

Gudjon I. Gudjonsson <gudjon@mc2.chalmers.se>
  pyqwt: has RC bugs (#403073)

Guilherme de S. Pastore <guilherme.pastore@terra.com.br>
  john: in unstable (1.6-40) but not in testing.

Guillem Jover <guillem@debian.org>
  gnumach (U): in unstable (2:1.3.99.dfsg.1-1) but not in testing.
  mig (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Gürkan Sengün <gurkan@linuks.mine.nu>
  antigrav: in unstable (0.0.2-4) but not in testing.
  dillo: has RC bugs (#400049)
  talksoup.app: in unstable (0.0.20040113-1.1) but not in testing.
  tesseract: in unstable (1.02-3) but not in testing.
  wmaker: has RC bugs (#397412, #401900)

Gunnar Wolf <gwolf@debian.org>
  libconfigfile-perl: in unstable (1.3) but not in testing.
  libfilter-template-perl (U): in unstable (1.02-1) but not in testing.

Hakan Ardo <hakan@debian.org>
  toolchain-source: in unstable (3.4-5) but not in testing.

Chris Halls <halls@debian.org>
  apt-proxy: has RC bugs (#402481)
  oooqs (U): in unstable (2.0.3-7) but not in testing.
  openoffice.org (U): has RC bugs (#401325)

Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org>
  cyrus-sasl2-mit: in unstable (2.1.19.dfsg1-1) but not in testing.

Adam C. Powell, IV <hazelsct@debian.org>
  illuminator: in unstable (0.10.0-2) but not in testing.

Marc 'HE' Brockschmidt <he@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  libgstreamer-perl: in unstable (0.09-1) but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Hector Garcia <hector@debian.org>
  mailman (U): has RC bugs (#400005)

Helmut Grohne <helmut@subdivi.de>
  slate: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net>
  vaiostat: in unstable (1.2-7) but not in testing.

Hideki Yamane (Debian-JP) <henrich@debian.or.jp>
  eclipse-nls-sdk: in unstable (3.1.1a-16) but not in testing.

Henrik Steffien <henriksteffien@fsfe.org>
  gutenbrowser (U): in unstable (3:0.8.1-1) but not in testing.

HJ Heins <hjheins@gmail.com>
  iceape (U): in unstable (1.0.6-1) but not in testing.

Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org>
  hplip: has RC bugs (#401530)

Alex Hudson <home@alexhudson.com>
  hula: in unstable (0.1.0+svn379-2.1) but not in testing.

Simon Horman <horms@debian.org>
  initrd-tools (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  linux-2.6 (U): has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)

Hubert Chan <hubert@uhoreg.ca>
  pdfkit.framework: in unstable (0.8-6) but not in testing.

Simon Huggins <huggie@earth.li>
  xfce4-datetime-plugin (U): in unstable (0.4.0-1) but not in testing.

Ian Jackson <ian@davenant.greenend.org.uk>
  chiark-tcl: in unstable (1.0.1) but not in testing.

Ian Lynagh (wibble) <igloo@debian.org>
  cpphs: has RC bugs (#403110)
  ghc-cvs: in unstable (20060905-1) but not in testing.

Isaac Jones <ijones@debian.org>
  haskell-cabal: in unstable (1.1.3) but not in testing.

Johannes Rohr <j.rohr@comlink.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

José Fonseca <j_r_fonseca@yahoo.co.uk>
  python-scipy: has RC bugs (#402783)

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar.vyas@linspire.com>
  karchiver: in unstable (3.4.2~b4-1) but not in testing.
  libipod: in unstable (0.1.2-1) but not in testing.
  trmxml: in unstable (0.1.4-1) but not in testing.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
  iceape (U): in unstable (1.0.6-1) but not in testing.
  karchiver (U): in unstable (3.4.2~b4-1) but not in testing.
  libipod (U): in unstable (0.1.2-1) but not in testing.
  trmxml (U): in unstable (0.1.4-1) but not in testing.

Jan Janak <jan@iptel.org>
  ser (U): in unstable (0.9.6-2) but not in testing.

Jamie Wilkinson <jaq@debian.org>
  lightlab: in unstable (0.3-3.1) but not in testing.

John H. Robinson, IV <jaqque@debian.org>
  wmaker (U): has RC bugs (#397412, #401900)

Jason Thomas <jason@debian.org>
  grub2 (U): in unstable (1.95-2) but not in testing.

Jay Bonci <jaybonci@debian.org>
  liblinux-aio-perl: in unstable (1.9-1) but not in testing.

Jeff Bailey <jbailey@nisa.net>
  oskit (U): in unstable (0.97.20030827savannah-1) but not in testing.

Jeff Bailey <jbailey@raspberryginger.com>
  cdbs (U): has RC bugs (#387103, #400290)
  gnumach (U): in unstable (2:1.3.99.dfsg.1-1) but not in testing.
  hurd (U): in unstable (20060825-2) but not in testing.
  initrd-tools (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  klibc (U): has RC bugs (#402066)
  mig (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Jeff Bailey <jbailey@ubuntu.com>
  initramfs-tools (U): has RC bugs (#401916)

Julien BLACHE <jblache@debian.org>
  mbpeventd: in unstable (0.8-1) but not in testing.

Jeremy T. Bouse <jbouse@debian.org>
  acidbase (U): in unstable (1.2.7-2) but not in testing.
  php-image-canvas: in unstable (0.2.2-1) but not in testing.
  php-image-graph: in unstable (0.7.1-1) but not in testing.
  xen-unstable (U): in unstable (3.0-unstable+hg11561-1) but not in testing.

J.H.M. Dassen (Ray) <jdassen@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Thomas Hood <jdthood@yahoo.co.uk>
  resolvconf (U): has RC bugs (#393323)
  tpctl (U): in unstable (4.17-2) but not in testing.

Jeroen van Wolffelaar <jeroen@wolffelaar.nl>
  php5 (U): has RC bugs (#402506)

Jesus Climent <jesus.climent@hispalinux.es>
  trac: has RC bugs (#386415, #400826)

Javier Fernandez-Sanguino Pen~a <jfs@computer.org>
  acidbase (U): in unstable (1.2.7-2) but not in testing.
  gnudoku (U): in unstable (0.93-1) but not in testing.
  john (U): in unstable (1.6-40) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-es: in unstable (1.5) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-es-es: in unstable (1.7.3) but not in testing.
  paxtest: in unstable (0.9.6-2) but not in testing.

John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org>
  gpsbabel: has RC bugs (#403092)
  hsffig: in unstable (0.1.2-2) but not in testing.
  missingh: has RC bugs (#403083)
  washngo: in unstable (2.9-4.1) but not in testing.

Brian Sutherland <jinty@web.de>
  schoolbell (U): in unstable (1.2.4-2) but not in testing.
  schooltool (U): in unstable (0.11.4-3) but not in testing.
  zpkg: in unstable (1.0.0-1) but not in testing.

Jose Luis Tallon <jltallon@adv-solutions.net>
  progsreiserfs: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Jim Mintha <jmintha@debian.org>
  slsc: in unstable (0.2.3-9) but not in testing.

Jochen Friedrich <jochen@scram.de>
  net-snmp (U): has RC bugs (#403079)

Joey Hess <joeyh@debian.org>
  debian-edu-install (U): in unstable (0.659) but not in testing.
  libmail-mbox-messageparser-perl: has RC bugs (#395268)
  preseed (U): has RC bugs (#400694)

John Ogness <john@ogness.net>
  dazuko-source: in unstable (2.2.0-1) but not in testing.

Jonathan Oxer <jon@debian.org>
  turck-mmcache: in unstable (2.4.6-14) but not in testing.

Robert Jordens <jordens@debian.org>
  gpib: in unstable (3.2.06-3.1) but not in testing.

Jordi Mallach <jordi@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-ca: in unstable (1.7.5-1) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-eu: in unstable (1.7+0.6-1) but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Jose Parrella <joseparrella@cantv.net>
  xmms (U): has RC bugs (#403214)

Joshua Kwan <joshk@triplehelix.org>
  autoprofile: in unstable (2.14-2) but not in testing.

Josselin Mouette <joss@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine: in unstable ( but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)
  stardict-xmlittre: in unstable (2.4.2-1) but not in testing.

Josip Rodin <joy-packages@debian.org>
  maint-guide: has RC bugs (#403200)

Jacek Politowski <jp@jp.pl.eu.org>
  mozilla-firefox-adblock: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Johannes Rohr <jr.debian@rohr.org>
  mozilla-locale-de-at (U): in unstable (1.7.13-1) but not in testing.

José L. Redrejo Rodríguez <jredrejo@edu.juntaextremadura.net>
  recordmydesktop: in unstable (0.3.0r2-1) but not in testing.

James R. Van Zandt <jrv@debian.org>
  gpstrans: in unstable (0.40-2) but not in testing.

Jose Carlos Garcia Sogo <jsogo@debian.org>
  bayonne (U): in unstable (1.2.16-6) but not in testing.
  dogtail: in unstable (0.6.1-2) but not in testing.
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Juan Manuel Garcia Molina <juanma@debian.org>
  ktoon: in unstable (0.8-1) but not in testing.

Justin Pryzby <justinpryzby@users.sf.net>
  tktable (U): in unstable (2.9-3) but not in testing.

Kari Pahula <kaol@debian.org>
  smlnj: in unstable (110.52-1) but not in testing.

Lior Kaplan <kaplan@debian.org>
  ttf-freefarsi (U): in unstable (1.0.0~alpha5-1) but not in testing.

Kartik Mistry <kartik.mistry@gmail.com>
  kphotobymail: in unstable (0.4-1) but not in testing.
  mpy-svn-stats: in unstable (0.4-1) but not in testing.
  tepache: in unstable (1.1-1) but not in testing.

Kilian Krause <kilian@debian.org>
  bayonne (U): in unstable (1.2.16-6) but not in testing.
  op-panel (U): in unstable (0.26.dfsg-5) but not in testing.
  ser (U): in unstable (0.9.6-2) but not in testing.

Kirk Hilliard <kirk@debian.org>
  elisp-manual: in unstable (21-2.8-2) but not in testing.

Takuo KITAME <kitame@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  lukemftpd: in unstable (1.1-2.3) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-ja: in unstable (1.7.8+jlp.1-1) but not in testing.

Fabio Tranchitella <kobold@debian.org>
  python-formencode: has RC bugs (#403202)
  schoolbell (U): in unstable (1.2.4-2) but not in testing.
  schooltool (U): in unstable (0.11.4-3) but not in testing.
  zope-cmf1.5 (U): in unstable (1.5.6-2) but not in testing.
  zope-cmfforum (U): in unstable (1.0-11) but not in testing.
  zope-cmfplone (U): has RC bugs (#401796)
  zope-cps (U): in unstable (3.4.0-4) but not in testing.
  zope-localizer (U): in unstable (1.0.1-11) but not in testing.
  zope-translationservice (U): in unstable (0.4-5) but not in testing.

Michael Koch <konqueror@gmx.de>
  cacao (U): has RC bugs (#400172)
  checkstyle (U): in unstable (4.1-1) but not in testing.
  eclipse (U): in unstable (3.2.1-2) but not in testing.
  eclipse-cdt (U): in unstable (3.0.1-3) but not in testing.
  wftk: in unstable (0.7.1-9) but not in testing.

Gustavo Noronha Silva <kov@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  ruledispatch: in unstable (0.5adev-5) but not in testing.
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)
  turbogears: in unstable (1.0~b1-3) but not in testing.
  turbojson: in unstable (0.9.5-1) but not in testing.

Lukáš Lalinský <lalinsky@gmail.com>
  libdiscid: in unstable (0.1.0-1) but not in testing.

Ludovic Brenta <lbrenta@debian.org>
  gnat-gps: in unstable (4.0.1-3) but not in testing.

Christian Leutloff <leutloff@debian.org>
  typo3-quickstart: in unstable (3.7.0-6) but not in testing.
  typo3-testsite: in unstable (3.7.0-6) but not in testing.

Lex Spoon <lex@debian.org>
  sbaz: in unstable (1.18-1) but not in testing.
  scala: has RC bugs (#403062)

Sebastian Ley <ley@debian.org>
  sope: in unstable (4.4rc.2-3.1) but not in testing.

Jeff Licquia <licquia@progeny.com>
  aptconf (U): in unstable (0.8-0.1) but not in testing.

Wilmer van der Gaast <lintux@debian.org>
  ctrlproxy: in unstable (2.6.2-1) but not in testing.

Miriam Ruiz <little_miry@yahoo.es>
  gnash: in unstable (0.7.2-1) but not in testing.

Lars Wirzenius <liw@iki.fi>
  lodju: in unstable (2.2-1.1) but not in testing.
  python-licosmamo: in unstable (1.0-2) but not in testing.

Lionel Elie Mamane <lmamane@debian.org>
  mailman (U): has RC bugs (#400005)

Loic Le Guyader <loic.leguyader@laposte.net>
  meep: in unstable (0.10-1) but not in testing.

Loic Dachary (OuoU) <loic@debian.org>
  unittest++ (U): in unstable (1.2.1-1) but not in testing.

Roland Mas <lolando@debian.org>
  mediawiki1.5 (U): in unstable (1.5.8-1) but not in testing.

Loic Minier <lool@dooz.org>
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  pitivi: in unstable (0.10.1-2) but not in testing.
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Lars Steinke <lss@debian.org>
  moodss: in unstable (19.7-1) but not in testing.
  moomps: in unstable (4.6-2) but not in testing.
  tktable: in unstable (2.9-3) but not in testing.

Lucas Nussbaum <lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Ludovic Brenta <ludovic@ludovic-brenta.org>
  libadabindx: in unstable (0.7.2-6) but not in testing.

Luk Claes <luk@debian.org>
  debian-edu-config (U): in unstable (0.409) but not in testing.
  debian-edu-install (U): in unstable (0.659) but not in testing.
  iceweasel-l10n (U): in unstable (2.0+debian-1) but not in testing.
  schroot (U): has RC bugs (#401180)

Sven Luther <luther@debian.org>
  initrd-tools (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  linux-2.6 (U): has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)
  parted (U): has RC bugs (#380226)

Lucas Wall <lwall@debian.org>
  prc-tools: in unstable (2.3-1) but not in testing.

Matthew W. S. Bell <m.bell@bvrh.co.uk>
  faad2: has RC bugs (#403117)

Eduardo Marcel Macan <macan@debian.org>
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.

martin f. krafft <madduck@debian.org>
  thinkpad (U): in unstable (5.9-2.1) but not in testing.
  wmaker (U): has RC bugs (#397412, #401900)

Martin Loschwitz <madkiss@debian.org>
  xfce4-datetime-plugin (U): in unstable (0.4.0-1) but not in testing.

maximilian attems <maks@sternwelten.at>
  initramfs-tools (U): has RC bugs (#401916)
  klibc: has RC bugs (#402066)

Oleksandr Moskalenko <malex@debian.org>
  pylons: in unstable (0.9.3-2) but not in testing.
  webhelpers: in unstable (0.2.2-1) but not in testing.

Mantas Kriaučiūnas <mantas@akl.lt>
  mozilla-locale-lt: in unstable (1.7.12-1) but not in testing.

Santiago Garcia Mantinan <manty@debian.org>
  bayonne (U): in unstable (1.2.16-6) but not in testing.

Marcio Roberto Teixeira <marciotex@pop.com.br>
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.

Marco Cabizza <marco87@gmail.com>
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Marcus Better <marcus@better.se>
  dom4j (U): has RC bugs (#403039)
  tikiwiki (U): in unstable (1.9.7+dfsg-1) but not in testing.

Konstantinos Margaritis <markos@debian.org>
  localization-config: in unstable (1.0) but not in testing.

Martin Dickopp <martin@zero-based.org>
  usbmount: has RC bugs (#402389)

Luis Mayoral <mayoral@linuxadicto.org>
  harbour: in unstable (0.45.0-0.1) but not in testing.
  wmbio: in unstable (1.02-2.1) but not in testing.

Michael Banck <mbanck@debian.org>
  gnoise: in unstable (0.1.15-4) but not in testing.
  hurd (U): in unstable (20060825-2) but not in testing.
  schroot (U): has RC bugs (#401180)

Luis R. Rodriguez <mcgrof@ruslug.rutgers.edu>
  grubconf (U): in unstable (0.5.1-4) but not in testing.

Cyril Martin <mcoolive@free.fr>
  eagle-usb: in unstable (2.1.1-2.1) but not in testing.

Marco d'Itri <md@linux.it>
  eciadsl: in unstable (0.11-3) but not in testing.
  module-init-tools: has RC bugs (#333052, #333522)
  udev: has RC bugs (#403136)
  update-inetd (U): has RC bugs (#399788)

Matthias Julius <mdeb@julius-net.net>
  dnshistory: in unstable (1.2-2) but not in testing.

Luca Bedogni <me@lucabedogni.it>
  libinstrudeo: in unstable (0.1.3-2) but not in testing.

Filip Van Raemdonck <mechanix@debian.org>
  xracer: in unstable (0.96.9-12.1) but not in testing.

Mirco Bauer <meebey@meebey.net>
  gecko-sharp (U): in unstable (0.6-4) but not in testing.
  mono (U): has RC bugs (#394418)
  monodevelop: in unstable (0.12+dfsg-1) but not in testing.

A Mennucc1 <mennucc1@debian.org>
  fuzzyocr: in unstable (2.3b-1) but not in testing.
  mplayer: in unstable (1.0~rc1-7) but not in testing.

Mike Furr <mfurr@debian.org>
  chromium: in unstable (0.9.12-12) but not in testing.
  chromium-data: in unstable (0.9.12-2) but not in testing.
  vegastrike: in unstable (0.4.3-5) but not in testing.
  vegastrike-data: in unstable (0.4.3-2) but not in testing.
  vegastrike-music: in unstable (0.4.3-1) but not in testing.

Marc Haber <mh+debian-packages@zugschlus.de>
  rageircd: in unstable (2.0.1-5) but not in testing.
  resolvconf (U): has RC bugs (#393323)

Mark Howard <mh@debian.org>
  libglade-java (U): in unstable (2.12.4-1) but not in testing.
  libgnome-java (U): in unstable (2.12.3-1) but not in testing.

Masayuki Hatta (mhatta) <mhatta@debian.org>
  ebview: in unstable (0.3.6-2) but not in testing.
  insight: in unstable (6.5-1) but not in testing.

Micah Anderson <micah@debian.org>
  bamboo: in unstable (1.3-2) but not in testing.

Michael Hanke <michael.hanke@gmail.com>
  dicomnifti: in unstable (2.21-2) but not in testing.

Michal Čihař <michal@cihar.com>
  sonata: in unstable (0.9-1) but not in testing.

Michael Prokop <mika@grml.org>
  iwatch: in unstable (0.0.12-3) but not in testing.

Mario Lang <mlang@debian.org>
  crypt++el: in unstable (2.92-1) but not in testing.
  kernel-image-speakup-i386: in unstable (2.4.27-1.1sarge1) but not in testing.
  supercollider (U): in unstable (20060416-1) but not in testing.

Marcelo E. Magallon <mmagallo@debian.org>
  gerris: in unstable (0.6.0-3) but not in testing.
  wmaker (U): has RC bugs (#397412, #401900)

Marco Nenciarini <mnencia@debian.org>
  resolvconf (U): has RC bugs (#393323)
  wengophone: has RC bugs (#403056)

Matthew Palmer <mpalmer@debian.org>
  libapache-mod-auth-mysql: in unstable (4.3.9-2.1) but not in testing.

Martin Quinson <mquinson@debian.org>
  widelands: in unstable (build9half-10) but not in testing.

Jack Bates <ms419@freezone.co.uk>
  libnet-dbus-perl: in unstable (0.33.3-1.1) but not in testing.

Michael Stilkerich <ms@mike2k.de>
  fvwm-crystal: in unstable (3.0.3-3.1) but not in testing.

Mark Purcell <msp@debian.org>
  bayonne (U): in unstable (1.2.16-6) but not in testing.
  codeine (U): has RC bugs (#403131)
  ksynaptics (U): in unstable (0.3.1-2) but not in testing.
  libccaudio2 (U): in unstable (0.9.12-1) but not in testing.
  rate-engine (U): in unstable (0.5.5-1) but not in testing.
  ser (U): in unstable (0.9.6-2) but not in testing.
  smstools: has RC bugs (#401996)

Michael Spang <mspang@uwaterloo.ca>
  webdeveloper: in unstable (1.0.2+0-2) but not in testing.

Michael Stone <mstone@debian.org>
  xlockmore: in unstable (1:5.22-1.1) but not in testing.

Christoph Berg <myon@debian.org>
  cryopid: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Nicolas Boullis <nboullis@debian.org>
  athcool: has RC bugs (#403181)

Neal H. Walfield <neal@debian.org>
  gnumach (U): in unstable (2:1.3.99.dfsg.1-1) but not in testing.
  hurd (U): in unstable (20060825-2) but not in testing.
  mig (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Andrew Lau <netsnipe@users.sourceforge.net>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Nick Niktaris <niktaris@debian.gr>
  mozilla-firefox-locale-el: in unstable (1.0-1) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-el: in unstable (2:1.7.3-1) but not in testing.

Norbert Tretkowski <nobse@debian.org>
  linux-2.6 (U): has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)

Noèl Köthe <noel@debian.org>
  kudzu: in unstable (1.1.67-1) but not in testing.
  peacock: in unstable (1.9.1-7.1) but not in testing.

Joachim Breitner <nomeata@debian.org>
  gtk2hs (U): in unstable (0.9.10-2) but not in testing.
  libtk-png-perl (U): in unstable (2.005-3) but not in testing.

LENART Janos <ocsi@debian.org>
  loadlin: has RC bugs (#338318)
  smssend: in unstable (3.4-2) but not in testing.

OHURA Makoto <ohura@debian.org>
  preview-latex: in unstable (0.9.1-4) but not in testing.

Ondřej Surý <ondrej@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  php5 (U): has RC bugs (#402506)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org>
  knowledgetree (U): in unstable (2.0.7-3) but not in testing.
  lightspeed: has RC bugs (#387606, #402402)
  nw802: in unstable (0.0.99-1) but not in testing.

Osamu Aoki <osamu@debian.org>
  maint-guide (U): has RC bugs (#403200)

Otavio Salvador <otavio@debian.org>
  apt-proxy (U): has RC bugs (#402481)
  graveman: in unstable (0.3.12-5-1) but not in testing.
  grub2 (U): in unstable (1.95-2) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.
  parted (U): has RC bugs (#380226)
  splashy: in unstable (0.2.2) but not in testing.
  splashy-themes: in unstable (0.2.1) but not in testing.
  trac (U): has RC bugs (#386415, #400826)

Ove Kaaven <ovek@arcticnet.no>
  fgfs-atlas: in unstable (0.3.0-4) but not in testing.

Oystein Gisnas <oystein@gisnas.net>
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Peter De Schrijver (p2) <p2@debian.org>
  hercules: has RC bugs (#402191)

Joop Stakenborg <pa3aba@debian.org>
  nec2c: in unstable (0.6-1) but not in testing.

Paul Wise <pabs3@bonedaddy.net>
  etl (U): in unstable (0.04.08-2) but not in testing.
  synfig (U): in unstable (0.61.05-8) but not in testing.
  synfigstudio (U): in unstable (0.61.05-5) but not in testing.

Debian QA Group <packages@qa.debian.org>
  alicq: in unstable (0.8.9-2) but not in testing.
  august: in unstable (0.63-beta1-7) but not in testing.
  bricolage: in unstable (1.8.9-2) but not in testing.
  celestia: in unstable (1.3.2-4) but not in testing.
  convertfs: in unstable (20050113-2) but not in testing.
  docbook-defguide: in unstable (2.0.8-2) but not in testing.
  drupal: in unstable (4.5.8-5) but not in testing.
  encore: in unstable (4.0.1-3) but not in testing.
  ghostcore: in unstable (0.9.8-7) but not in testing.
  gnobog: in unstable (0.4.3-3) but not in testing.
  gnome-gv: in unstable (1:2.12.0-2) but not in testing.
  gwrapguile: in unstable (1.3.4-17) but not in testing.
  hubcot: in unstable (20010630-5) but not in testing.
  ivi: in unstable (0.4.pre.20031121-4) but not in testing.
  jhcore: in unstable (20050204-2) but not in testing.
  lambdacore: in unstable (20040517-2) but not in testing.
  libapache2-mod-ifier: in unstable (0.8-2) but not in testing.
  libapache2-mod-layout: in unstable (4.0.1a-4) but not in testing.
  libooc-x11: in unstable (20020123-3) but not in testing.
  libooc-xml: in unstable (3.2.0-2) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-fr: in unstable (2:1.7.13-2) but not in testing.
  multi-gnome-terminal: in unstable (1.6.2-12) but not in testing.
  radiuscontext: in unstable (1.88-2) but not in testing.
  rsjog: in unstable (1.1-6) but not in testing.
  rsplib: in unstable (1.0.0-6) but not in testing.
  skribe: in unstable (1.2g-1) but not in testing.
  statdataml: in unstable (1.0.9-3) but not in testing.
  swingwt: in unstable (0.87-6) but not in testing.
  tclsoap: in unstable (1.6.7-6) but not in testing.
  tex-guy: in unstable (1.2.4-6) but not in testing.
  timezoneconf: in unstable (0.11) but not in testing.
  vstream: in unstable (0.4.5-4) but not in testing.
  xawtv: has RC bugs (#402786)
  xfonts-artwiz: in unstable (1:1.3-5) but not in testing.
  zope-docfindereverywhere: in unstable (0.4.1-2) but not in testing.

Parted Maintainer Team <parted-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  parted: has RC bugs (#380226)

Patrick Winnertz <patrick.winnertz@skolelinux.org>
  wifi-radar: has RC bugs (#402949)

Patrick Ringl <patrick_@freenet.de>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Paul Cager <paul-debian@home.paulcager.org>
  tagsoup: in unstable (1.0.1-1) but not in testing.

Paul Slootman <paul@debian.org>
  wwwoffle: in unstable (2.9a-1) but not in testing.

Paul J Stevens <paul@nfg.nl>
  dbmail: in unstable (1.2.11-1) but not in testing.

Paul van Tilburg <paulvt@debian.org>
  complearn-gui (U): in unstable (0.9.7-1) but not in testing.
  complearn-mpi (U): in unstable (0.9.6-1) but not in testing.
  libcomplearn (U): in unstable (0.9.7-1) but not in testing.
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby: in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras: in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Philip Blundell <pb@debian.org>
  dillo (U): has RC bugs (#400049)

Peter Collingbourne <pcc03@doc.ic.ac.uk>
  dot2tex: in unstable (1.5.0-1) but not in testing.

Pedro Villavicencio Garrido <pedro@corporacionlinux.cl>
  multi-gnome-terminal (U): in unstable (1.6.2-12) but not in testing.

Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@debian.org>
  debian-edu-config (U): in unstable (0.409) but not in testing.
  debian-edu-install (U): in unstable (0.659) but not in testing.
  gutenbrowser: in unstable (3:0.8.1-1) but not in testing.

Peter Eisentraut <petere@debian.org>
  cdbs (U): has RC bugs (#387103, #400290)
  nozomi: in unstable (2.1-1) but not in testing.

Peter Hawkins <peterh@debian.org>
  mercury: in unstable (0.11.0.rotd.20040511-5) but not in testing.

Philip Hands <phil@hands.com>
  preseed (U): has RC bugs (#400694)

Philippe De Swert <philippedeswert@scarlet.be>
  dillo (U): has RC bugs (#400049)

Michael Piefel <piefel@debian.org>
  devel-protocols (U): in unstable (1.5) but not in testing.

Paul Brossier <piem@debian.org>
  supercollider: in unstable (20060416-1) but not in testing.

Debian Berkeley DB Maintainers <pkg-db-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  db4.5: in unstable (4.5.20-1) but not in testing.

Debian FDT tools team <pkg-fdt-tools-team@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  devel-protocols: in unstable (1.5) but not in testing.

Debian Games Team <pkg-games-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  boson-base: in unstable (0.11-4) but not in testing.
  scorched3d: in unstable (40-1) but not in testing.

Debian GNOME Maintainers <pkg-gnome-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Grub Maintainers <pkg-grub-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  grub2: in unstable (1.95-2) but not in testing.
  grubconf: in unstable (0.5.1-4) but not in testing.

Debian Java Maintainers <pkg-java-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  cacao: has RC bugs (#400172)
  charva: in unstable (1.1.1-3) but not in testing.
  checkstyle: in unstable (4.1-1) but not in testing.
  dom4j: has RC bugs (#403039)
  dresden-ocl: in unstable (1.1-10) but not in testing.
  eclipse: in unstable (3.2.1-2) but not in testing.
  eclipse-cdt: in unstable (3.0.1-3) but not in testing.
  libglade-java: in unstable (2.12.4-1) but not in testing.
  libgnome-java: in unstable (2.12.3-1) but not in testing.
  libgnujaxp-java: in unstable (1.3-7) but not in testing.
  libsaxpath-java: in unstable (1.0.0FCS-6) but not in testing.

Debian KDE Extras Team <pkg-kde-extras@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  codeine: has RC bugs (#403131)
  ksynaptics: in unstable (0.3.1-2) but not in testing.

Mailman for Debian <pkg-mailman-hackers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  mailman: has RC bugs (#400005)

Mediawiki Maintenance Team <pkg-mediawiki-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  mediawiki1.5: in unstable (1.5.8-1) but not in testing.

Debian Mono Group <pkg-mono-group@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  gecko-sharp: in unstable (0.6-4) but not in testing.
  mono: has RC bugs (#394418)

Maintainers of Mozilla-related packages <pkg-mozilla-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  iceape: in unstable (1.0.6-1) but not in testing.

Net-SNMP Packaging Team <pkg-net-snmp-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  net-snmp: has RC bugs (#403079)

Debian Perl Group <pkg-perl-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  libdanga-socket-perl: in unstable (1.55-1) but not in testing.
  libfilter-template-perl: in unstable (1.02-1) but not in testing.
  liblogger-syslog-perl (U): in unstable (1.0-1) but not in testing.
  libsys-syscall-perl: in unstable (0.22-1) but not in testing.
  libtk-png-perl: in unstable (2.005-3) but not in testing.

Debian PHP Maintainers <pkg-php-maint@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  php5: has RC bugs (#402506)

Debian Ruby Extras Maintainers <pkg-ruby-extras-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Debian Scientific Computing Team <pkg-scicomp-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  netgen: in unstable (4.4-7) but not in testing.

Debian Synfig Maintainers <pkg-synfig-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  etl: in unstable (0.04.08-2) but not in testing.
  synfig: in unstable (0.61.05-8) but not in testing.
  synfigstudio: in unstable (0.61.05-5) but not in testing.

Debian Tikiwiki team <pkg-tikiwiki-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  tikiwiki: in unstable (1.9.7+dfsg-1) but not in testing.

Debian tpctl maintainers <pkg-tpctl-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  thinkpad: in unstable (5.9-2.1) but not in testing.
  tpctl: in unstable (4.17-2) but not in testing.

Debian VoIP Team <pkg-voip-maintainers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  bayonne: in unstable (1.2.16-6) but not in testing.
  libccaudio2: in unstable (0.9.12-1) but not in testing.
  op-panel: in unstable (0.26.dfsg-5) but not in testing.
  rate-engine: in unstable (0.5.5-1) but not in testing.
  ser: in unstable (0.9.6-2) but not in testing.

Debian VSquare Team <pkg-vsquare-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  lwipv6: in unstable (1.1-1) but not in testing.
  purelibc: in unstable (0.2-1) but not in testing.
  vde2: in unstable (2.1.4-1) but not in testing.

Debian Xen Team <pkg-xen-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  xen-unstable: in unstable (3.0-unstable+hg11561-1) but not in testing.

Debian Xfce Maintainers <pkg-xfce-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  xfce4-datetime-plugin: in unstable (0.4.0-1) but not in testing.

Debian/Ubuntu Zope Team <pkg-zope-developers@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  schoolbell: in unstable (1.2.4-2) but not in testing.
  schooltool: in unstable (0.11.4-3) but not in testing.
  zope-cmf1.5: in unstable (1.5.6-2) but not in testing.
  zope-cmfforum: in unstable (1.0-11) but not in testing.
  zope-cmfplone: has RC bugs (#401796)
  zope-cps: in unstable (3.4.0-4) but not in testing.
  zope-localizer: in unstable (1.0.1-11) but not in testing.
  zope-translationservice: in unstable (0.4-5) but not in testing.

Pierre Machard <pmachard@debian.org>
  eagle-usb (U): in unstable (2.1.1-2.1) but not in testing.

Filippo Rusconi <polyxmass-maintainer@polyxmass.org>
  libpolyxmass: in unstable (0.9.0-1) but not in testing.

Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@debian.org>
  babygimp: in unstable (0.42-2) but not in testing.

Johan Euphrosine (proppy) <proppy@aminche.com>
  unittest++: in unstable (1.2.1-1) but not in testing.

Christophe Prud'homme <prudhomm@debian.org>
  netgen (U): in unstable (4.4-7) but not in testing.

Peter Van Eynde <pvaneynd@debian.org>
  hunchentoot: in unstable (0.4.10-1) but not in testing.
  trivial-https: in unstable (20051125-1) but not in testing.

Debian Python Modules Team <python-modules-team@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  python-formencode (U): has RC bugs (#403202)
  turbogears (U): in unstable (1.0~b1-3) but not in testing.
  turbojson (U): in unstable (0.9.5-1) but not in testing.

Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <racke@linuxia.de>
  amavis-ng: in unstable ( but not in testing.
  interchange: in unstable (5.4.1-1) but not in testing.
  interchange-doc: in unstable (5.2.0-1) but not in testing.

Rafael Laboissiere <rafael@debian.org>
  usbmount (U): has RC bugs (#402389)

Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debian.org>
  hs-plugins: in unstable (0.9.10-3.4) but not in testing.
  keyjnote: in unstable (0.8.2-1) but not in testing.
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.
  parrot: in unstable (0.4.6-1) but not in testing.
  xmms2-scrobbler: in unstable (0.1.2-1) but not in testing.

Florian Ragwitz <rafl@debianforum.de>
  libpoe-component-jabber-perl: in unstable (1.1-1) but not in testing.
  libpoe-filter-xml-perl: in unstable (0.27-1) but not in testing.
  pugs: in unstable (6.2.13-0.1) but not in testing.

Rail Aliev <rail@iqchoice.com>
  mozilla-locale-tr: in unstable (1.7.2-1) but not in testing.

Regis Boudin <regis@boudin.name>
  amaya: in unstable (9.51-2.1) but not in testing.

Rene Mayrhofer <rene.mayrhofer@gibraltar.at>
  gibraltar-bootcd: in unstable (0.55.1) but not in testing.
  havp: in unstable (0.82-1) but not in testing.

Rene Engelhard <rene@debian.org>
  oooqs (U): in unstable (2.0.3-7) but not in testing.
  openoffice.org (U): has RC bugs (#401325)

resolvconf maintainers <resolvconf-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
  resolvconf: has RC bugs (#393323)

Romain Francoise <rfrancoise@debian.org>
  emacs-snapshot: in unstable (1:20061209-1) but not in testing.
  qemacs: has RC bugs (#403182)

RISKO Gergely <risko@debian.org>
  aca: in unstable (0.1.10-0.1) but not in testing.
  xcache: in unstable (1.0-4.1) but not in testing.

Ramakrishnan M <rkrishnan@debian.org>
  open21xx: in unstable (0.7.5-2) but not in testing.
  pyqwt (U): has RC bugs (#403073)

Roger Leigh <rleigh@debian.org>
  schroot (U): has RC bugs (#401180)

Ryan Murray <rmurray@debian.org>
  gdm: has RC bugs (#403219)

Rob Bradford <rob@debianplanet.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Robert Luberda <robert@debian.org>
  mozilla-locale-pl: in unstable (1:1.7.12-2) but not in testing.

Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net>
  testresources: in unstable (0.1-1.1) but not in testing.

Robert McQueen <robot101@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.

Roger So <rogerso@debian.org>
  guikachu: in unstable (1.4.0-2.1) but not in testing.
  im-sdk: in unstable (12.3.91-0.2) but not in testing.

Recai Oktaş <roktas@debian.org>
  elog: in unstable (2.6.3+r1764-1) but not in testing.

Ron Lee <ron@debian.org>
  mingw32: has RC bugs (#392953)

Ross Burton <ross@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  nautilus-python: in unstable (0.3.0-3) but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Andreas Rottmann <rotty@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  zinf: in unstable (2.2.5-5.2) but not in testing.

Ludovic Rousseau <rousseau@debian.org>
  malsync: in unstable (2.2.0-2) but not in testing.

Rudy Godoy <rudy@kernel-panik.org>
  xfce4-datetime-plugin (U): in unstable (0.4.0-1) but not in testing.

Russell Coker <russell@coker.com.au>
  selinux-policy-default: in unstable (1:1.26-7) but not in testing.

Philippe Coval <rzr@users.sf.net>
  fatresize: in unstable (1.0.2-1) but not in testing.

salahuddin pasha (salahuddin66) <salahuddin.debian@gmail.com>
  apollon: has RC bugs (#395420, #402693)

Sam Hocevar (Debian packages) <sam+deb@zoy.org>
  gtklookat: in unstable (0.13.0-5) but not in testing.
  openvrml: in unstable (0.15.10-8) but not in testing.
  tmview: in unstable (1:01.03-12) but not in testing.

Samuel Mimram <samuel.mimram@ens-lyon.org>
  coq-doc: in unstable (8.0pl1.0-1) but not in testing.

Santiago Ruano Rincón <santiago@debian.org>
  op-panel (U): in unstable (0.26.dfsg-5) but not in testing.

Clint Adams <schizo@debian.org>
  bogofilter: has RC bugs (#402898)
  db4.5 (U): in unstable (4.5.20-1) but not in testing.

Patrick Schoenfeld <schoenfeld@in-medias-res.com>
  mantis: in unstable (1.0.6+dfsg-3) but not in testing.
  smstools (U): has RC bugs (#401996)

Angel Ramos <seamus@debian.org>
  raccess: in unstable (0.7-2) but not in testing.

sean finney <seanius@debian.org>
  php5 (U): has RC bugs (#402506)

Sebastien Bacher <seb128@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  pango1.0: has RC bugs (#401924)
  rubrica: in unstable (1.0.15-1) but not in testing.
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Sebastien Delafond <seb@debian.org>
  libnet-socks-perl: has RC bugs (#403087)

Carlo Segre <segre@iit.edu>
  libtk-png-perl (U): in unstable (2.005-3) but not in testing.

Steinar H. Gunderson <sesse@debian.org>
  mozilla-locale-no-nb: in unstable (1.7-2) but not in testing.

Stephen Gran <sgran@debian.org>
  clamav: has RC bugs (#401873, #403034)

Reinhard Tartler <siretart@tauware.de>
  boson-base (U): in unstable (0.11-4) but not in testing.
  scorched3d (U): in unstable (40-1) but not in testing.

Sjoerd Simons <sjoerd@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  hal: has RC bugs (#370186)
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Simon Richter <sjr@debian.org>
  asterisk-chan-misdn: in unstable (0.1.1-1) but not in testing.
  bayonne (U): in unstable (1.2.16-6) but not in testing.
  misdn-kernel: in unstable (0.0.0+cvs20061029-4) but not in testing.
  misdn-user: in unstable (0.0.0+cvs20060214-2) but not in testing.

Sebastian Dröge <slomo@ubuntu.com>
  hal (U): has RC bugs (#370186)
  mono (U): has RC bugs (#394418)

Samuel Mimram <smimram@debian.org>
  ocsigen: in unstable (0.5.0-1) but not in testing.

Stephan Michels <stephan@apache.org>
  cacao (U): has RC bugs (#400172)
  eclipse (U): in unstable (3.2.1-2) but not in testing.
  eclipse-cdt (U): in unstable (3.0.1-3) but not in testing.

Roland Stigge <stigge@antcom.de>
  xenman: has RC bugs (#401646, #402626)

Gustavo Franco <stratus@debian.org>
  gnome-tasksel: in unstable (0.9.8~pre1) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Tatsuki Sugiura <sugi@nemui.org>
  libapache2-mod-fcgid: has RC bugs (#401938)

Alexis Sukrieh <sukria@debian.org>
  liblogger-syslog-perl: in unstable (1.0-1) but not in testing.

Sven Dowideit <svenud@ozemail.com.au>
  twiki: has RC bugs (#402817)

Taku YASUI <tach@debian.or.jp>
  libapache2-mod-fcgid (U): has RC bugs (#401938)
  murasaki: in unstable (0.8.11-3) but not in testing.

Akira TAGOH <tagoh@debian.org>
  gtk-industrial-engine (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  im-sdk (U): in unstable (12.3.91-0.2) but not in testing.

Thomas Anders <tanders@users.sourceforge.net>
  net-snmp (U): has RC bugs (#403079)

Michael Tautschnig <tautschn@model.in.tum.de>
  brickos: in unstable (0.9.0.dfsg-2) but not in testing.
  gcc-h8300-hms: in unstable (4.1.1-3) but not in testing.

Martin Michlmayr <tbm@cyrius.com>
  gcc-snapshot (U): in unstable (20061022-1) but not in testing.

Tollef Fog Heen <tfheen@debian.org>
  apache2 (U): has RC bugs (#396265, #400918)
  mailman (U): has RC bugs (#400005)
  mozilla-firefox-locale-nb: in unstable (1.0-1) but not in testing.

Thierry Reding <thierry@doppeltgemoppelt.de>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Thijs Kinkhorst <thijs@debian.org>
  mailman (U): has RC bugs (#400005)

Thom May <thom@debian.org>
  apache2 (U): has RC bugs (#396265, #400918)

Thomas Goirand <thomas@goirand.fr>
  dtc: in unstable (0.24.6-1.1) but not in testing.
  dtc-xen: in unstable (0.2.6-2) but not in testing.
  libapache-mod-log-sql: in unstable (1.100-6) but not in testing.

Tiago Bortoletto Vaz <tiago@debian-ba.org>
  mozilla-locale-ptbr (U): in unstable (1.7.12-3) but not in testing.

Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de>
  mediawiki1.5 (U): in unstable (1.5.8-1) but not in testing.

Tim Dijkstra (tdykstra) <tim@famdijkstra.org>
  uswsusp: has RC bugs (#401391)

Tom Albers <tomalbers@kde.nl>
  codeine (U): has RC bugs (#403131)

Romain Beauxis <toots@rastageeks.org>
  mediawiki1.5 (U): in unstable (1.5.8-1) but not in testing.

Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org>
  hplip (U): has RC bugs (#401530)

Miguel Angel Zarza <trukulo@menta.net>
  graveman (U): in unstable (0.3.12-5-1) but not in testing.

Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@debian.org>
  libroxen-ecms: in unstable (20000927-8) but not in testing.
  libroxen-floatingcode: in unstable (1.4-9) but not in testing.
  libroxen-form: in unstable (1.0-11) but not in testing.
  nagat: in unstable (1.0a2-8) but not in testing.
  phpqladmin: in unstable (2.2.8-2) but not in testing.
  roxen4: in unstable (4.0.425-3) but not in testing.

Tommi Virtanen <tv@debian.org>
  mc-foo: in unstable (0.0.13) but not in testing.

Torsten Werner <twerner@debian.org>
  cpufire-applet (U): in unstable (1.2-2) but not in testing.
  lybniz (U): in unstable (1.3-1) but not in testing.

Fumitoshi UKAI <ukai@debian.or.jp>
  estraier: in unstable (1.2.29-3) but not in testing.

Guido Trotter <ultrotter@debian.org>
  gnome-keyring-sharp: in unstable (0.0.1-8) but not in testing.
  lwipv6 (U): in unstable (1.1-1) but not in testing.
  purelibc (U): in unstable (0.2-1) but not in testing.
  vde2 (U): in unstable (2.1.4-1) but not in testing.
  xen-unstable (U): in unstable (3.0-unstable+hg11561-1) but not in testing.

Uwe Hermann <uwe@debian.org>
  flashrom: in unstable (0.0+r2526-1) but not in testing.

Varun Hiremath <varunhiremath@gmail.com>
  lybniz: in unstable (1.3-1) but not in testing.
  smbnetfs: in unstable (0.3.6-1) but not in testing.

Vedran Furač <vedranf@riteh.hr>
  bfilter: has RC bugs (#401518)

Vincent Fourmond <vincent.fourmond@9online.fr>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

David A. van Leeuwen <vleeuwen@debian.org>
  transcriber: has RC bugs (#403168)

Volker Christian <voc@debian.org>
  vdccm: in unstable (0.9.3-1) but not in testing.

Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org>
  initrd-tools (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  php5 (U): has RC bugs (#402506)

Víctor Pérez Pereira <vperez@debianvenezuela.org>
  mozilla-locale-it: in unstable (1.7.12-2) but not in testing.

Jan Wagner <waja@cyconet.org>
  ipplan: in unstable (4.80b-3) but not in testing.

Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org>
  initrd-tools (U): in unstable ( but not in testing.
  linux-2.6 (U): has RC bugs (#387498, #399113, #401980)
  parted (U): has RC bugs (#380226)
  xen-unstable (U): in unstable (3.0-unstable+hg11561-1) but not in testing.

Jerry Haltom <wasabi@larvalstage.net>
  eclipse (U): in unstable (3.2.1-2) but not in testing.

Daniel Glassey <wdg@debian.org>
  bibletime: in unstable (1.5.3-1) but not in testing.
  bibletime-i18n: in unstable (1.5.1-1) but not in testing.

Peter Palfrader <weasel@debian.org>
  tor: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Wei Mingzhi <weimz@hotpop.com>
  xmms-wma: in unstable (1.0.5-3) but not in testing.

Morten Werner Olsen <werner@debian.org>
  debian-edu-config (U): in unstable (0.409) but not in testing.
  debian-edu-install (U): in unstable (0.659) but not in testing.

Anand Kumria <wildfire@progsoc.org>
  amaya (U): in unstable (9.51-2.1) but not in testing.
  gtk-gnutella: in unstable (0.96.1svn12109-1) but not in testing.
  nss-mdns: has RC bugs (#393711)

Will Newton <will@debian.org>
  aqsis: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Matthew Wilcox <willy@debian.org>
  db4.5 (U): in unstable (4.5.20-1) but not in testing.

Wesley J. Landaker <wjl@icecavern.net>
  ghdl: in unstable (0.25+gcc4.1.1-1) but not in testing.

Xavier Oswald <x.oswald@free.fr>
  parted (U): has RC bugs (#380226)

Niv Altivanik (Debian Packages) <xaiki+deb@cxhome.ath.cx>
  skippy: in unstable (0.5.1rc1-6) but not in testing.

Max Vozeler <xam@debian.org>
  linux-modules-di-mips-2.6 (U): in unstable (1.00) but not in testing.
  linux-modules-di-s390-2.6 (U): in unstable (1.00) but not in testing.
  loop-aes-modules: has RC bugs (#400055)

Miguel Gea Milvaques <xerakko@debian.org>
  synfig (U): in unstable (0.61.05-8) but not in testing.
  synfigstudio (U): in unstable (0.61.05-5) but not in testing.

Yooseong Yang <yooseong@debian.org>
  mozilla-firefox-locale-ko: in unstable (1.5-1) but not in testing.
  mozilla-locale-ko: in unstable (1.7-1) but not in testing.

Zak B. Elep <zakame@spunge.org>
  robotour: in unstable (3.2.1-3) but not in testing.

Hou ZhengPeng <zhengpeng.hou@gmail.com>
  scim-bridge: in unstable (0.2.4-1) but not in testing.

Clément Stenac <zorglub@debian.org>
  pango1.0 (U): has RC bugs (#401924)
  sabayon (U): has RC bugs (#402607)

Esteban Manchado Velázquez <zoso@debian.org>
  libmmap-ruby (U): in unstable (0.2.6-1) but not in testing.
  librevolution-ruby (U): in unstable (0.5-5) but not in testing.
  libruby-extras (U): in unstable (0.1) but not in testing.
  libtorrent-ruby (U): in unstable (0.3-1) but not in testing.

Alexander Petrov <zowers@gmail.com>
  sim: in unstable ( but not in testing.

Marco Presi (Zufus) <zufus@debian.org>
  pyqwt (U): has RC bugs (#403073)
  python-scipy (U): has RC bugs (#402783)
  twin (U): in unstable (0.5.1-3) but not in testing.
  twutils (U): in unstable (0.2-7.1) but not in testing.

| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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