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Re: delay of the full etch freeze

Le Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 06:58:55PM +0200, Andreas Barth a écrit :
> For these reasons, we are delaying the full archive freeze for a few days.
> We haven't chosen a date yet, but you can still expect it to happen in
> October or early November.

Dear Andreas,

May I suggest to delay the freeze as long as it is necessary for the
packages which were uploaded to NEW before the 8th to enter in Etch if
they have no bugs?

The rationale is that the 8th is "old freeze deadline minus 10 days", so
it was not completely unreasonnable to take this day as the deadline for
having new packages in Etch. Unfortunately, the time a package stays in
NEW is completely unpredictable, it has been 0-3 days most of the time,
except around Debconf and this month, where is is more something like
1-3 weeks.

As a consequence, packages uploaded one week before the old freeze
deadline minus 10 days can not enter in Etch. With the delay, you have
an opportunity to correct this "downstream". By setting the cutoff on
packages uploaded before the 8th, you would ensure that the uploads were
not targeted for sid only, as a migration to etch was expectable.

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Wako, Saitama, Japan

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