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Re: Successful and unsuccessful Debian development tools


On Tue, Aug 01, 2006 at 03:31:26PM +0100, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Pierre Machard <pmachard@debian.org> [2006.08.01.1501 +0100]:
> > snapshot.debian.net (still not-official but very usefull)
> This is very interesting, especially in the light of version control
> for packaging -- which could also make packages from the past
> accessible.
> Could you give me some insights, please, into how snapshot.d.n is
> useful? Don't get me wrong, I also find it useful, but mostly from
> the administrator perspective, I've not really used it as
> a developer.

The main points about snapshot.d.n have already been repported. To me it's 
like a classical library that is to say a "collection of records kept for
reference or borrowing" (quoting from WordNet). It helps to keep track
of any change within the archive, and sometimes it stores record that are
not available anywhere because the source packages are not maintained
anymore and disapear from the web.

When you are interested in QA, it's important to be able to identify why
a bug appear, in which condition, etc.

Now, let me speak about PTS and ddpo.

As a maintainer, these tools helps you to keep an eye on your packages
and your activities.

On the same page, you have a lot of information about your maintainer
activities. Are there RC bugs ? How may bugs ? Is this package
co-maintained ? Did I had a NMU ?

PTS : Why my package does not enter into testing, How many bugs, many
links to the life of a package. and I would like to
add that thanks to Björn Stenberg, we have a useful script to understand
the evolution of a package. The PTS have also very powerfull email
option that can email you any change or bug repported on a package,
especialy interesting when you are co-maintaining a package.

About the PTS, note that this is on of only tool, with lintian that
recalls you that the Standard-Version changed, and that it could be
interesting to check what changed in Standard-Versions since the package
lastest upload. Finaly on point, that is important to me: it advertises 
maintainers of important packages that co-maintaining a package could 
be a nice thing.

                                Pierre Machard
<pmachard@debian.org>                                 http://debian.org
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