Matthew Garrett <> wrote:
> Personally, I have no problem with this. But if Debian is unwilling to
> fill these (not terribly niche) requirements itself, it's not reasonable
> to complain when people build on Debian in order to provide a more
> complete solution for a more narrow use case.
Isn't the "Task:" package header (and maybe the "Tag:" header as
well) and the corresponding menu options in the debian-installer supposed to
make debian magically morph into whatever you want it to be?
A few messages ago there was a message about update-notifier, and
how it wouldn't be installed and/or enabled by default due to administrative
access issues, etc... if someone specifically says that they are installing
a debian desktop system, would it then make more sense to auto-install,
config, and enable update-notifier? If not for the entire "users" group,
then at least for the user that's created on system install, that gets added
to cdrom, floppy, audio, and video groups already?