Re: greylisting on
On 2006-07-10 Thomas Bushnell BSG <> wrote:
> Andreas Metzler <> writes:
> > Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb <at>> writes:
> >> martin f krafft <madduck <at>> writes:
> > [...]
> >> It assumes, for example, that the remote MTA will use the same IP
> >> address each time it sends the message.
> > [...]
> >
> > eh no. Standard greylisting practise nowadays (it already was standard when
> > sarge was released) is to not greylist on host IP but at least on the /27
> > netblock.
> Then, "it assumes, for example, that the remote MTA will use the same
> /27 netblock each time it sends the message."
No. It assumes that the sending MTA will not circle through a
number of different /27 netblocks that is so big that the retry limit
will be hit before successful delivery.
cu andreas
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