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Re: Why not making /sbin/sendmail a mantadory component for mail operation?

Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
> And how would that be any simpler than setting an smtp server for
> reportbug? Setting up a fully usable MTA is more difficult than having
> reportbug connect directly to bugs.d.o.

I'm sorry, but that is just plain wrong.

aptitude install postfix
"What type of system?" answer: satellite
provide hostname of ISP smarthost

I imagine Exim is similarly simple.

The only thing I think is lacking is that if your ISP requires you to
authenticate, the current postfix packages make it non-trivial to set
this up.  I am not certain if Exim is the same.

Also, it has been a while since I setup Postix in this manner, so I
forget whether it asks you on which addresses to listen.  In any case,
if the default were instead of, then even users
without a firewall would be in reasonably good shape.


Roberto C. Sanchez

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