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Re: removal of svenl from the project

On Thu, 16 Mar 2006, Marc Dequènes wrote:
> This meaning 15 is a representative set of 972 persons (1.5%) not
> randomly choosen, which is obvioulsy wrong, and ridiculously small.
> What is wrong here, is not even this demand for removal with such a lack
> of clear evidence (you can wait for supporters, but you should also
> convince other people, not so much in touch with Sven, you are right),
> but a complete failure of this procedure. Such a lightweight proposal
> should never have passed the DAM filter in step 1. Moreover, having only
> 1*Q persons needed to open such a GRAVE process is so incredible !!!

Yeah, it looks like that at first glance, doesn't it?  I got that impression
that Q was nearly not enough people at first as well, but some research and
thinking changed my mind.

Please proceed to
http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/08/msg00005.html and read
the entire expulsion procedure guide again.  Notice how extremely easy it is
for the process to not result on an expulsion even if Q is met.  Also take
notice that the person being "considered for expulsion" can defend himself,
and how a vote is called if enough people on the NM-committee decides that
the expulsion should not happen.

Finally, proceed to vote.d.o and look at the number of developers interested
enough in issues that are far more likely to directly affect them than
expelling someone most of them did not even have close contact with (such is
the nature of a big project like Debian).  The number of unique voters is
surprisingly low.  Factor in the disgusting nature of seconding a request
for someone to be expelled (even if you do think that there is no other

IMO, meeting Q to send a DD packing is not going to be easy at all.

  "One disk to rule them all, One disk to find them. One disk to bring
  them all and in the darkness grind them. In the Land of Redmond
  where the shadows lie." -- The Silicon Valley Tarot
  Henrique Holschuh

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