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Re: Packages file missing from unstable archive

Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au> writes:

> On Sun, Oct 30, 2005 at 09:48:35AM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:
>> Zsync checksum files are, depending on block size, about 3% of the
>> file size. For the full archive that means under 10G more data. As
>> comparison adding amd64 needs ~30G. After the scc split there might be
>> enough space on mirrors for both.
> Adding amd64 needs 30G? Since when?

With stable/testing/unstable/experimental it should end up around
there I think. Its 6-7G for the amd64 sarge debs so depending on
overlap you get more or less.

> And stuff doesn't go on the mirrors because it's "under 30G", it goes on
> the mirrors because it provides useful benefits. Where're the statistics
> showing how much zsync signatures actually help?

Before zsync looks into debs as well as gz files there won't be any
reasonable gain for debs and for the Packages/Sources files the diff
method works better. So for now there is no big gain and no strong
argument for adding zsync. But the potential is there for anyone
willing to invest some time and improve the code.

> Cheers,
> aj


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