Re: todos: command not found
Scripsit Wouter Verhelst <>
> Op wo, 02-11-2005 te 21:24 +0000, schreef Jean-Luc Coulon (f5ibh):
>> try something like 'apt-file search todo | grep bin'
> Searching for 'todo' (as in, a todo list) or 'todos' (which happens to
> be a rather common spanish word) rarely ends you up with the "to DOS"
> utility, unfortunately.
There are only 21 matches for 'todos' in the unstable Contents-i386.gz.
That is hardly too much to scan through by eye.
Henning Makholm "The practical reason for continuing our
system is the same as the practical reason
for continuing anything: It works satisfactorily."
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