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Re: A thought about killing two bird with one stone

* Brian May (bam@debian.org) wrote:
> >>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Frost <sfrost@snowman.net> writes:
>     Stephen> Not to mention that quite a few things do things like DNS
>     Stephen> lookups which could take quite a while for an unconnected
>     Stephen> system (perhaps because something broke, or who knows
>     Stephen> what else, I've had it happen, waiting for sendmail to
>     Stephen> time out sucks).
> Or perhaps because the step that configures the network to support DNS
> requests hasn't been executed yet...

Indeed, that can certainly be annoying.

> (I have seen a system that appears to run ntpdate on startup before
> the network is configured - but it hasn't bothered me enough to
> investigate why yet.)

Yeah, I recall seeing that happen too, though havn't hunted it down yet.
This situation might actually be fixed by the proposal which would
implement dependencies such that ntpdate would depend on a working



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