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Re: a desperate request for licence metadata (was Re: migrating wiki content from twiki (w.d.net) to moinmoin (w.d.org))

Petter Reinholdtsen <pere@hungry.com> wrote:
> [Jon Dowland]
>> I would like to make a desperate plee that some attempt is made to
>> incorporate a clear indication of the licence under which material on
>> this wiki is available under, either with a user-readable prompt or
>> machine-readable metadata (ideally both).
> I might be slow, but can you explain why we need a license for this?
> I do not need to license my books, but I do need to license my
> software.  Why should the wiki documents be treated more like software
> than a book?

You don't need to license any books you write because nobody has the
right to produce derivative works. It would be helpful if data in the
wiki is available under a license that permits derivative works to be
produced, especially if those derivative works can then be included i

Matthew Garrett | mjg59-chiark.mail.debian.devel@srcf.ucam.org

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