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Re: README - confusing, irrelevant, redundant, useless

On Mon, Aug 15, 2005 at 12:42:27PM +0200, Henning Makholm wrote:
> Yes - but how should Lintian detect it?  Of course one could look for
> lines that start with whitespace plus "./configure ", but how reliable
> is that?

Attached test found some culprits: aptitude autofs dbus-1
dbus-glib-1 deborphan dhcp3-client docbook2x etherape
ethereal-common ettercap-common finger ftp gettext gimp-gap
gjdoc gpm kismet libatk1.0-0 libpam0g libpcre3 libtiff4
libungif4g libxml2 m4 man-db nano netkit-inetd nfs-common
python-gtk2 python2.3 ruby1.8 sharutils tar telnet w3m
xfce4-session xfwm4-themes xfwm4 zlib1g

Wolfgang Borgert <debacle@debian.org>, http://people.debian.org/~debacle/
import gzip
import re
from linda import libchecks, checks

class ReadmeCheck(libchecks.LindaChecker):
    'Checks the upstream README file'
    def check_binary_2(self):

    def parse_readme(self):
        k = None
        readme = os.path.join(self.information['dir'],
            'unpacked/usr/share/doc', self.pkg_name, 'README')
        readmegz = os.path.join(self.information['dir'],
            'unpacked/usr/share/doc', self.pkg_name, 'README.gz')
        if os.path.exists(readme):
            f = open(readme)
            k = f.read()
        elif os.path.exists(readmegz):
            f = gzip.open(readmegz)
            k = f.read()
        if k:
            configure = re.compile(r'\./configure')
            if not self.pkg_name.endswith('-dev') \
                and re.search(configure, k):
            del k

Tag: readme-contains-make-instructions
Type: Warning

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