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Re: [Debian Printing] Formation of a Printing Group

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Hi Roger,

At Sun, 26 Jun 2005 21:11:22 +0100,
Roger Leigh wrote:
> This mail is just to test the water to see if there is any interest in
> forming a printing group for coordination between all of the various
> printing packages.  Due to the numerous ways of setting up a working
> printing system, bugs in one package are often in interdependent
> packages, and this would ease coordination.  It's often the case that
> you don't know enough about the internals of another component to
> properly debug and fix your package.  If we were all aware of the bugs
> in related components, this would speed up getting things fixed, and
> hopefully make all our lives easier.

Oh, Masayuki who maintains gs packages and I had thought same idea.
It's very nice to have a place to collaborate together.

> It would also be an opportunity for getting some group maintenance of
> key packages.  I will be happy to have a co-maintainer for gimp-print,
> but because it requires knowledge of several other systems (cups, ijs,
> foomatic, gimp, gs etc.), it would be best if another printing
> maintainer took it up initially.

Yeah, currently I'm constructing maintainance team for CUPS.
[Martin Eric, Jeff Licquia, and Martin Pitt has interest about it,
thanks! :)]

> If we could use e.g. debian-printing@lists.d.o, this could be used as
> a place for all printing bug reports to be forwarded to, as well as
> user questions, coordination, etc.


- -- 
Kenshi Muto
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