Re: status of buildds?
On Tue, Mar 15, 2005 at 02:38:44PM +0100, Tollef Fog Heen wrote:
> | So, you call me not trustworthy, although it was *me* to first help out m68k
> | when kullervo was unable to keep up with package building?
> You are not a DD, so Debian does not have a trust relationship with
> you. It has nothing to do whether you are trustworthy or not, it is
> about whether you have the trust. Since you're not a DD, you don't
> have that trust.
> (And yes, I think it's bad that the m68k port seems to be so dependent
> on somebody who isn't a DD.)
I'm quite sure that your opinion will encourage other persons to contribute
to Debian!
Ciao... //
Ingo \X/
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