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Re: "The Debian exim 4 packages suck badly" on exim-users@exim.org

Henning Makholm <henning@makholm.net> writes:

> Scripsit Thomas Bushnell BSG <tb@becket.net>
> > The point is that I want to massage some parts of the configuration
> > and not others.  I want the others to continue to get updated by the
> > normal package installation process.
> So is the whole thing essentially a workaround for dpkg's current
> lack of good conffile update management, or would you still prefer the
> separate files way if dpkg magically gained a well-tested and stable
> conflict resolution scheme with bells, whistles, and 3-way merges?

Um, no, I don't think I said that.  When I say, "this is an important
thing that X provides", you cannot go and assume that I mean "this is
the only reason to like X."


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