Re: Debian mirror scripts
* Goswin von Brederlow ( [050131 19:35]:
> (Otto Wyss) writes:
> > I guess mirrorer doesn't care for bandwith saving as DpartialMirror,
> > correct me if I'm wrong.
> Currently it will always redownload the Packages/Sources files as gzip
> on every update to fix a bug in the apt methods. But I already
> suggested only updating those that don't match the Release file. And,
> unless you have an rsync method for apt, it won't rsync files.
> While rsyncing the Packages files sounds like a good idea to save
> traffic it actualy is a bit insignificant compared to the daily
> traffic of new sources and debs.
> The good news is that Andreas Barth is working on enabling
> Packages/Sources diff files for the Debian archive and that would
> reduce Packages/Sources updates to ~30K a day instead of the >3MB
> download. Once the apt method for this is written mirrorer can use it.
There is code available from Anthony on and that works well (well,
except if merkel was down for a few days like just happened).
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