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Re: deselect survey

I demand that Ben Burton may or may not have written...

>> ( [-1, never] weeks for me, btw; I've been using Debian since slink, and
>> some of the earliest advice I got was "this is dselect; learn hot to use
>> apt instead".  I admit that I occasionally use synaptic if I'm just
>> browsing for packages, but apt is still my primary interface.)

> FWIW, I wouldn't give that advice to a user myself.  I get bug reports on a
> relatively frequent basis from users who apt-get install something, miss
> out on the recommends as a result and then complain that feature X isn't
> working properly.

That's a good reason for recommending aptitude: they get to see the
recommended and suggested packages, and if they choose not to install them,
well, it's their problem :-)

| Darren Salt   | linux (or ds) at | nr. Ashington,
| woody, sarge, | youmustbejoking  | Northumberland
| RISC OS       | demon co uk      | Toon Army
|   <URL:http://www.youmustbejoking.demon.co.uk/> (PGP 2.6, GPG keys)

Windows 95. Wipes away that stubborn hard disk free space.

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