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Re: Drop testing

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> #include <hallo.h>
> * Nikita V. Youshchenko [Sun, Oct 24 2004, 03:53:23PM]:
> > > #include <hallo.h>
> >
> > IMHO it's somewhat silly to "stop the experiment now" and drop
> > testing. Although there are problems with testing, there *are*
> > well-known positives of having it.
> All the known positives are outweighted by the negative issues as
> described before.

I don't think so.

For me, existance of testing allows running more-or-less up-to-date systems 
without facing current development problems with packages/subsystems that 
I'm not involved in.

For a long time, I use mixed (stable/)tesing/sid systems. Most of packages 
are from testing, sid version is used for a package if testing version 
doesn't fit for whatever reason.

This proved to work very well. I think many developers and technical users 
do the same, if they don't they should probably try it, because it really 
works well. 

In fact, existance of testing allows me to be a user and a developer at the 
same time.

You may state that such reason has nothing to do with release process, for 
which testing was originally proposed. Yes, I agree. However, the above 
argument shows why testing *is useful for real life* even in it's current 

As for role of testing in the release process, I believe there is plenty of 
room to improve.
You write, biggest problem with testing is outdated packages. Yes, probably 
you are right. So, some action should be taken to overcome that. I can't 
immidiatly answer what exact actions will help, but it's a good direction 
to think on. Let's try.
So what makes package's path to testing long?
- - RC bugs. Here nothing else could be done other than fixing the bugs. 
Personally I thing that some infrastructure change could be useful here to 
force maintainers fix RC bugs. Probably any RC bug without activity for 
several (say, 5) days should "become more public", some mechanism should 
be used to encourage non-maintainers to work on the issue.
- - Complex dependency chains. Probably some scheme could be used to decrease 
the effect of those. E.g. build mostly against testing, not against sid, 
and use build-deps from sid only if relly required (what exactly "really 
required" means here, should be defined separately).
- - Arch de-sync. Can't some mix of cross-compilation and more work on 
toolchain issues improve situation here? I'm currently involved in 
dpkg-cross, and I see some interesting possibilities here.
- - What else?

> > Unless such analysis is done, almost any discussion of this topic is
> > pointless. Period.
> A-Ha. How long does Testing exists? And why did nobody write this paper
> in the meantime? Why do you not try to do so? I describe the facts. Not
> some imaginary proof that will never see the daylight. Period.

I don't know why nobody did such analysis. (Probably someone did? I'd love 
to read it!)
As for myself, I don't feel I understand the problem deep enough. Although 
I follow debian developent for many years, I'm only becoming to be 
involved :).
I tried to write something just now, see above. I may try deeper analysis 
later, however someone with better understanding of details could do that 

> > But such analysis should be done *after* *sarge* *release*. Flaming
> > now will only postpone the release and do nothing more.
> As described before, it is too late to stop this discussion.

Just take action on some RC issue before you write next message to this 
flamewar :). If everybody does that way, having such a flamewar will be 
the most effective BSP in Debian's history :).

To be honest with myself, before writing this mail I've looked through the 
list of current RC bugs, found one that was last posted long ago, and 
submitted some information there that is probably enough to resolve the 
issue. That was bug #274873.

> But many maintainers simply do not care much
> about testing, Unstable runs fine for them.

Do you really think that this is the point? Do you have statistics?

My feeling is that many more maintainers don't take care much about their 
packages, and testing/sid issue has nothing with this. We have currently 
at least hundred of thousands of bugs open. Say, half of those are 
wishlists and probably shouldn't count, but the rest 50,000 are issues 
that require action! Many are open for months and years.

Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (GNU/Linux)


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