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Re: SPF - exim4 + debian.org

On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 23:06:40 +0100, Steve McIntyre <steve@einval.com>
>Simon Huggins writes:
>>Have you ever considered that the users, other developers and general
>>consensus might *shock* *horror* be right?
>Hopefully it won't take too long for somebody more responsive to
>users' wishes to package up exim4...

So you want to take over the package? Look at its changelog first.

As for the account name: The Debian exim4 maintainers would appreciate
a way to build Debian package account names in a non-polluting way
which doesn't suck. But, however, there are so many ways to choose the
account name (which either pollute or suck), that this way needs to be
laid down in Policy.

Oh, yeah, btw, the exim4 packages have the account name coded in a way
that makes it quite easy to be changed in a local build.

The only thing that we are uncooperative about is that the name
"Debian-exim" will only change _once_ more after policy has been
established about how account names are chosen. That update will be a
major PITA though.

All this is established knowledge with all people who think that
Debian-exim sucks. As nobody cared to take that policy step (except
me, but nobody seemed to be interested as well), I guess that
Debian-exim doesn't suck _that_ badly. If it did, somebody would have
shown more interest in establishing account naming policy.


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