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Re: odd messages on d-devel [was: How Do I Get You Off My Computer]

Am 2004-05-24 03:54:39, schrieb Pascal Hakim:

>Hi Matt,
>	I believe those people have come to us through various search
>engines that have crawled the spam in our archives. We're getting a
>large bunch of them at the listmaster alias as well.
>	Ideally we'd remove that stuff from our archives, but I'm
>unwilling to do so if it means that URLs to messages in our mail
>archive changes.

Hmmm, I am using spamassassin and I have a 4,7 million Message 
mailarchive largest one is (debian-user-de/debian-user-german 
since 1999). 

I was running a script which check the Mails with 'spamassassin' 
and a debian-<lists> traines bayesian filter...

Gotten more then 27.000 Spams. I have already checked around 
12.000 manualy but found only a couple of false positives. 

>	<Cue someone citing this as proof we need to have moderation
>on all lists, and the death penalty for those to post off-topic

Better is a debian-<list> based spamassassin with bayesian filter.

Oh yes, curently "murphy" is running like the heaven... 
If I send a message, I get it back around 2-3 minutes later ?
Is this a result of the new hardware ?

>	Cheers,


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