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Re: Social Contract GR's Affect on sarge

Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org> writes:

> 	We have ,often, failed to follow the social contract in the
>  past, though this was the first wilful violation I recall.

Non-communication of security bugs (and the supporting infrastructure)
is at the border of a SC violation, too.

The Social Contract has not just one clause, and might be necessary to
weigh one against the other (as we do with security bugs).

Current mail filters: many dial-up/DSL/cable modem hosts, and the
following domains: atlas.cz, bigpond.com, di-ve.com, netscape.net,
postino.it, tiscali.co.uk, tiscali.cz, tiscali.it, voila.fr.

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