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Re: please release sarge instead of removing binary firmware

>>>>> "AW" == Allan Wind <allanwind@lifeintegrity.com> writes:

    AW> If the above sounds about right, then perhaps someone
    AW> representing Debian could contact the relevant vendors to make
    AW> them aware of the problem and request a resolution that is
    AW> acceptable to Debian?

What resolution _is_ acceptable to Debian, anyways? Assembly language
code for some weird chip's instruction set? Do we even have assemblers
for that code if we get it? Are we going to have to write them? Are
all kernel images going to have to build-depend on them?

Why are we deciding that the source code released by the copyright
holder -- usually hex-encoded binary in C -- isn't the preferred
source format? Can't we just get some kind of assurance from the
copyright holder that, yes, that gigantic C array is their preferred
source version?


Evan Prodromou

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