why must Debian call Taiwan a "Province of China"?
Give me a break; if you have a problem with the boot disks,
try sending a clear mail calmly stating your problem to the
boot disk list. If it is not resolvable there, you might
want to send a message to debian-devel calmly stating your
problem. Under no circumstances should this mail be sent
to debian-user.
> Anyway, my buddy Andrew Lee sent me this for me to proofread, but
> instead I felt I'll just post it more widely for him, (naturally
> before researching the issue further :-))
That's because Andrew Lee is wiser than you. This has nothing
to do with Debian as a whole; we have no standard practice
for naming Taiwan; we usually just copy upstream. If you have
a problem with one specific case, then the best thing to do is
politely mail the maintainer of that package.
David Starner - dvdeug@debian.org
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