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Getting newer kernels into stable


I'd like to start a discussion on the ins and outs of getting newer kernels
into stable.

This is provoked by Chris' email, msgid <[🔎] 20040329002543.GP9248@cheney.cx>

I realise there are issues with adding and removing kernels into stable, as
the security maintenance goes up, and I'd like to hear what the security
team has to say about that. Or perhaps newer kernels should go into
stable-proposed-updates? This doesn't really address the installation issues
that people have with newer hardware though.

Is it feasable for subsequent point releases of stable to ship with newer
kernels by default, and security support for earlier kernels to be
discontinued at point release time?

for example, let's say hypothetically, Sarge shipped with 2.6.4, and then 3
months later, Sarge_r1 ships with 2.6.6 as the default kernel, and a month
later, a vulnerability is found in 2.6.4, that isn't in 2.6.6. Would we need
to issue a patched 2.6.4 if we were already providing a non-vulnerable 2.6.6
in a newer point release of stable?

I think the kernel is probably the single biggest package that really dates
a stable release (sure, there's lots of other "perishable" packages like
spamassassin and snort, for example), but if you can't install the stable
release because the kernel it uses can't find your hardware, then you're
really behind the eightball from the word go.

Joey, as SRM, what do you think? Is the installability of stable releases on
modern hardware something you think is significant? Is there some sort of
compromise that can be arrived at for the handling of newer kernels in



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