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Re: Gettext debconf templates translations : several outdated packages discovered

On Thu, 11 Mar 2004, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> It strikes me that a tool that reads a list of package names and
> produces a nicely formatted list of packages and maintainers would
> occasionally be useful. That information should be greppable from
> Packages files, shouldn't it? Perhaps the tool exists already?

Nicely formatted it isn't, but grep-dctrl (or grep available) can
trivially do this.
Alternatively the following:

echo 'yeold newline deliniated list-o-packages' |xargs -n 1 -i\
 grep-available -FPackage -X -sMaintainer,Package '{}' |\
perl -ne 'chomp; 
     $maintainer = $1 and next if /^Maintainer\:\ (.+)/;
     $package = $1 and next if /^Package\:\ (.+)/;
     print qq($package -- $maintainer\n) if /^$/'


courier -- Stefan Hornburg (Racke) <racke@linuxia.de>
htdig -- Stijn de Bekker <stijn@debian.org>
libpaper -- Stephen Zander <gibreel@debian.org>
mtop -- Igor Genibel <igenibel@debian.org>
mueller -- Yven Johannes Leist <leist@beldesign.de>
nagios -- Turbo Fredriksson <turbo@debian.org>
openafs -- Sam Hartman <hartmans@debian.org>
openldap2 -- Torsten Landschoff <torsten@debian.org>
pcmcia-cs -- Brian Mays <brian@debian.org>
penggy -- Sebastian Schmidt <yath@yath.eu.org>
phalanx -- Milan Zamazal <pdm@debian.org>
phpwiki -- Matthew Palmer <mpalmer@debian.org>
pptpd -- Rene Mayrhofer <rmayr@debian.org>
spong -- Pekka Aleksi Knuutila <pa@debian.org>
squid -- Miquel van Smoorenburg <miquels@cistron.nl>
wflogs -- Jean-Michel Kelbert <kelbert@debian.org>
whereami -- Andrew McMillan <debian@mcmillan.net.nz>
wwwoffle -- Paul Slootman <paul@debian.org>
xcdroast -- Hector Garcia <hector@debian.org>
yiff -- Adam Majer <adamm@galacticasoftware.com>
atokx -- Taku YASUI <tach@debian.or.jp>

Don Armstrong

"Ban cryptography! Yes. Let's also ban pencils, pens and paper, since
criminals can use them to draw plans of the joint they are casing or
even, god forbid, create one time pads to pass uncrackable codes to
each other. Ban open spaces since criminals could use them to converse
with each other out of earshot of the police. Let's ban flags since
they could be used to pass secret messages in semaphore. In fact let's
just ban all forms of verbal and non-verbal communication -- let's see
those criminals make plans now!"


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