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Re: 185 Packages that look orphaned

On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 04:33:18AM +0100, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

> There is also a s390 emulator you can run on your pc. It might
> not be the fastest but still faster than looking for someone to build
> the package for every upload.

You are referring to Hercules (apt-get install hercules, see
http://www.conmicro.cx/hercules/) On a decent 32-bit Intel machine it is
as fast as any of us built packages a few years ago. It's not a compile
workload, but to give an example of how real-world it is you can run an
interpretive sql-backed website on the real Internet.

If you have problems installing Debian/s390 on Hercules and the Debian
s390 list doesn't respond then I'm happy to try to help.

Dan Shearer

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