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Re: Bug#224742: Related to this issue...

On Tue, 30 Dec 2003 16:04:42 +1000, Anthony Towns
<aj@azure.humbug.org.au> wrote:
>I take it he's the sort of guy that doesn't invite himself into
>conversations just to tell people how annoying they are to talk to?

I find myself qualified to interfere with this discussion because the
version of ifupdown currently in unstable has my name in the changelog
and bears my signature since you don't maintain the package properly
for the time span of two and a half years now.

I have only refrained from re-opening the bug in question myself
because I am afraid to be cut off from the BTS as well. In these days,
filing bug report is almost the only thing I can do for Debian, and
I'd hate to be forced to stop working for the project.


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