Re: make-kpkg question
On Wed, 19 Nov 2003 10:46:52 -0700, Liberty Young <> said:
> I'm building kernels for an embedded x86 product, and I'm falling in
> love with make-kpkg. My only problem is that make-kpkg
> --added-modules pcmcia-cs kernel_image modules_image doesn't do a
> depmod on the pcmcia-cs modules against the built kernel. I assume
> others have not run into this problem as default debian startup
> scripts do a depmod on the system...however, in an embedded product,
> every second that can be spared is needed. My goal is to just have
> make-kpkg build up images that can be just installed on a separate
> file-system (Compact Flash in my case) without any other work..
Umm, it does try a depmod on install:
if ( -d "/lib/modules/$version" ) {
my $ret = system("depmod -a -F $realimageloc/$version $version");
$realimageloc is generally /boot.
If you are installing on a chroot, that should work fine, I
would think.
> Am i just missing something here, or is this truley just a 'feature
> request' bug that should be submitted to the maintainers of
> make-kpkg?
If you provide some more details on how the kernel-imagfe-X.XX
.deb is installed, we may be able to help.
If I have not seen so far it is because I stood in giant's footsteps.
Manoj Srivastava <> <>
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