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Re: csound and extract binary conflict

Re: Re: csound and extract binary conflict ["Francesco P. Lovergine" <frankie@debian.org>, Fri, Sep 12, 2003 at 03:30:41PM +0200, <[🔎] 20030912133040.GA1399@firewall.ba.issia.cnr.it>]
> > csound contains a helper executable called extract. Apparently
> > /usr/bin/extract conflicts with the package extract. [1]  Are there any
> Rename in a consistent manner: something like csound-extract could be ok.
> You have to modify also man pages, scripts and other (possibly) deep
> dependencies. Hacking configuration/building scripts is probably
> better... 

Wouldn't /usr/lib/csound/extract be a better place for a helper binary?

Christoph Berg <cb@df7cb.de>, http://www.df7cb.de
Wohnheim D, 2405, Universität des Saarlandes, 0681/9657944

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