Re: better make a standard for /etc/*/*_not_to_be_run
On Mon, 11 Aug 2003, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> On Sun, 10 Aug 2003, Thomas Hood wrote:
> > On Sun, 10 Aug 2003 16:46:26 -0300, Henrique de Moraes Holschuh wrote:
> > > It is not broken at all. Due to the way sysv-rc works, no symlink
> > > at all means "undefined state". If you go to a runlevel where
> > > something is started (It has a S symlink), then back to a
> > > runlevel with no symlink, the service is left alone (i.e. started).
> >
> > I agree that if there is no symlink for a runlevel then the
> > state of the service (running/stopped) should not be changed
> > on entering that runlevel.
> That means the state of that service is UNDEFINED for that runlevel, if you
> need to treat runlevels as atomic entities.
> > The problem originally reported in #156161 is that invoke-rc.d
> > _starts_ a service in a runlevel which _lacks_ a symlink.
> The reason for which I explained already.
> > > Anyway, no symlink = undefined behaviour.
> >
> > This contradicts what you said above: no symlink = no change.
> "No change" means you need to know the previous status, if any, of ALL
> services, across runlevel changes. This is NOT how sysv-rc works, so
> "undefined" it is.
How should I handle these situations:
An X display manager is installed for those occasions when my
nieces and nephews drop by. I don't want to run kdm all the time and
doing "/etc/init.d/kdm start" when they arrive is a lot friendlier
than forcing them to use a text login and the commandline.
I keep GPG and ssh secrets in an encrypted directory (CFS) and only
"cattach" the dirs when they are needed. Startup of nfs-common,
nfs-kernel-server and cfsd is scripted and accessible from a
`shortcut' on the desktop; ditto the cattach commands.
My only beef with those setups is that kdm, nfs-*, and cfsd get
started when they get upgraded... having them as "K" links in rc2.d is
not correct because it is not the case that I don't want them to run,
I just don't want them to start automatically.
It would be nice if they were only started on upgrade if they are
already running.
- Bruce
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