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Re: better make a standard for /etc/*/*_not_to_be_run

Manoj Srivastava wrote:
> 	In that case, why should the defaults not be in
>  /var/lib/defaults, or /usr/lib/defaults. and even
>  /usr/share/defaults? 
> 	I would not like to break the invariant that files under /etc
>  are under the users control, and user input is preserved. 

Agreed. However, if I'd known how bds used /etc/defaults, I would not
have originally proposed the directory have that name. We *could* move
it to /etc/init.config/ or something.

However, I also like the concept of having a /usr/share/defaults (or
/lib/defaults or whatever) that has the big crufty files I rarely edit
(/etc/pcmcia/*.opts, for instance), and having things arranged so that
when I do need to override them I copy them to somewhere in /etc and
modify. Maes for smaller simplere /etc and maybe smaller root

No reason not to do both.

see shy jo

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