Re: BSP results
On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 08:26:02AM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 08:50:58AM +0100, Sven Luther wrote:
> > but the bsp provides other benefits, like coordination, a privileged
> > comunication channel, and so on. What about making these things
> > available also during normal time, and having some kind of
> > coordination/status report/whatever web page in addition to the RC bugs
> > list ?
> Up until a few months back, that was available on
> To a first approximation, nobody used it
> outside bug-squashing parties, even though it was still available. Of
> course, maybe that was because it was sometimes a bit cumbersome.
> I do intend to resurrect something like that at
>, but I'm not really sure why the bug tracking
> system itself isn't adequate. People making NMUs should be sending mails
> to the BTS fairly verbosely anyway, which normally seems pretty good for
> normal coordination to me. The only times I've ever clashed with other
> people are when one or the other of us wasn't communicating sufficiently
> with the bug report to say what was happening.
Well, yes the BTS is ready for most of it, what would be missing is some
kind of summary or status report, with the RC bugs all listed (we have
that already, right), but also a way to say i will be working on it, to
see if many other people do to, and maybe some information about the
activity of a bug report (like when was the last time someone
contributed to it, that is, mailed to the bugreport). I guess you can
also already register to a bug report (not the whole package, just the
bug report) and to be included in activity on this bugreport, forming a
mini-mailing list for solution of this bug.
Sven Luther
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