Re: BSP results
On Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 09:28:16PM +0000, Colin Watson wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 02:28:28PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> > On Mon, Mar 17, 2003 at 07:31:06PM +0100, Bas Zoetekouw wrote:
> > > Unfortunately, there are still 789 RC bugs left, which is almost an
> > > all-time record (according to the RC graph[2] at least). I guess we'll
> > > need to have another BSP real soon.
> >
> > Here's a suggestion: how about every weekend? or every other weekend,
> > until the release of Sarge. I was unfortunately away this past weekend and
> > so was unable to participate in the BSP. But if there's one this weekend
> > or the next, I'm sure to be there!
> We don't need bug-squashing parties for people to fix bugs.
> Bug-squashing parties encourage people to help out who might not
> normally do so, but if they're happening all the time then they'll lose
> their effectiveness. If all you want to do is fix bugs in packages who
> don't maintain, then send patches and NMU in the usual way.
but the bsp provides other benefits, like coordination, a privileged
comunication channel, and so on. What about making these things
available also during normal time, and having some kind of
coordination/status report/whatever web page in addition to the RC bugs
list ? Where people interested in fixing bugs would register, discuss
among themselves, and fix bugs, or something such. Or a bug-squashing
mailing list ? Seing other people fixing bugs may be a good incentive to
do the same. Maintainers who have problem with specific bugs they cannot
solve could post for help there, and people could check the existing
bugs and communicate with the maintainers about them, or isolate RC bugs
which have had no activity since a long time.
Then, we could enter the BSPs in a more planified way, and also some
people may not be able to participate at WE in a BSP, but have free time
at other times of the week.
Anyway, these are just ideas, maybe some of these are already existing
or something.
Sven Luther
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