Children's Art Resources
In appreciation of young artists in your community, we'd like to bring your attention to PapaInk, the leading nonprofit resource for exhibiting, archiving and viewing child and youth art--historical and contemporary--from around the world.
Visit the special Welcome Page for Library Visitors at PapaInk, the nonprofit International Children's Art Archive:
Read about PapaInk:
>From the New York Times:
"For some, 'children's art' is an oxymoron. Can the young create museum-worthy art? At PapaInk, the Children's Art Archive (, the argument is made for children's art as a neglected part of our cultural heritage..."
>From USA Today:
"Take a peek at the world through the eyes of its youngest inhabitants via PapaInk, an online archive of children's artworks. From the crude-yet-poignant scribblings of those children who witnessed the Rwandan massacres, to the sweet psychedelic landscapes dashed off in fits of childhood exuberance."
>From Librarian's Index to the Internet:
"A delightful collection of children's art that is dedicated to keeping alive the creative spirit of children and preserving their art. View works by practicing artists done when they were children and current works from children around the world. Some is submitted by individuals and some by organizations. Users may submit works to the site."
>From the Internet Scout Report:
"An amazing resource and unique tribute to the oft under-recognized value
of children's art, PapaInk archives and makes available works that
otherwise certainly would have been overlooked by everyone but the
creators and their immediate loved ones. Founded in 1999 with a mission
of preserving and posting children's artwork, PapaInk has grown in
significance and status ever since..."
PapaInk's Spring 2003 Community Projects for Libraries:
"Building a Sense of Home"
All children and youth are invited to capture the spirit of the community where they live in this PapaInk art project undertaken in collaboration with Habitat for Humanity International.
Black History Month
"History and Hope": Through the end of May 2003, submit artwork honoring Black History Month for online exhibition and archival preservation.
Please contact with questions!
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