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Re: Lintian: image-file-in-usr-lib

* Andreas Tille <tillea@rki.de> [2003-03-17 13:10]:
> W: zope-extfile: image-file-in-usr-lib usr/lib/zope/lib/python/Products/ExtFile/www/extIma
> ge.gif
> While I absolutely admit that image data do not belong to /usr/lib but rather to
> /usr/share I do not really know whether it makes sense to move these images and
> create symlinks later on because zope expects these images exactly at this location.

 I would say patch zope to be FHS compliant.  Doing the symlink stuff
might be a valid workaround but doesn't tackle the original problem:
That zope is flawed in that respect and searches for images where it
must not look for them.  You should also try to teach upstream about the

 So long!
-!- mode/#debian.de [-o wease|] by wease|
 * wease| traut BX nicht
                                  -- #debian.de

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