On Sun, 16 Mar 2003, Jean-Michel Kelbert wrote: > For exemple, on Mandrake less permit him to show html, tar.gz... not > on Debian. This is done by setting the LESSOPEN and/or LESSCLOSE env. variables. Read /usr/share/doc/less/LESSOPEN for information on how to set this up. As far as making it the default, Thomas has (apparently) decided not to, and I agree. I routinely use less to look at raw gzip files and other odd files, and I suppose others do also. Don Armstrong -- Build a fire for a man, an he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. -- Jules Bean http://www.donarmstrong.com http://www.anylevel.com http://rzlab.ucr.edu
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