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Re: Some proposals

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003, Manoj Srivastava wrote:

> 	Oh, I must disagree. I am intrigued. A real core goup, and I'm
>  not even aware of selection criteria!

First lets see if such an idea even gets off the ground otherwise why
waste electrons?

> 	And must we be mysterious? I am not sure I know who these
>  people are (I mean, I am sure Guy Maor and Culus have been, well,
>  semi dormant, for a bit now).

As fun as it would be to make a list of the Debian elite, I purposely
didn't name their names nor those developers I consider inexperienced or
incompetent.  Suffice it to say that if such lists had to be assembled I
wouldn't need a lot of time to decide who went where and neither I wager
would other longtime users.  But as this is all theoretical right now, I
don't want to risk acrimony or hurt feelings.

> 	Actually, I would have thought important _Debian_ decisions
>  happen out in the open in these mailing lists,

For various values of open.  The days are long gone when you could read
debian-devel and know everything that was goin on in the Debian world.

>  but since I haven't noticed this shadowy powers that be behind the
>  scenes that merely toy with the resu of us unsuspecting souls,
> You must know somehing I do  not.

So I guess you missed the periodic wailing about the new maintainer
process to name a prominent example?  I don't want to start up that
flamefest again just point out effort has to made for transparency and
sometimes it doesn't happen.  No sinister conspiracy need be implied.

> 	I see. People serious about an OS must needs look elsewhere
>  than Debian?

No people serious about keeping their jobs must make sure their backsides
are well-covered that's all.  I did a consulting job back around the
potato era where I only learned after starting that Debian wasn't up to
dealing with the hardware they had.  The clients ended up going for a
windows solution instead.  My mistake but one I won't ever make again.

> Do it themselves,

Right now they are practically on their own.  The number of DDs who take
part in QA activities and system integration is low.  We need to bring
more people into the QA effort.  But not many will spend the time and
effort to look at 12,000 packages. 1,000 especially 1,000 that interest
them, maybe.  Take code audits.  There would be a clear benefit to
server administrators if people did a full audit like OpenBSD does but for
12,000 packages over 11 architectures?  Probably impossible.  For a
smaller subset?  Might be possible.

> while we chase after bright new
>  markets of those unable to fathom non GUI interfaces, and people who
>  lust after fresh CVS commits?

The beauty of this is "we" don't have to.  Let those who are interested in
such things go their own way.  And those who want safe and predictable can
continue with that.  But one group won't get bogged down by the other.

Jaldhar H. Vyas <jaldhar@debian.org>
La Salle Debain - http://www.braincells.com/debian/

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