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Re: Future of Debian uncertain?

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>>>>> In article <[🔎] 20030227070818.GA29685@triplehelix.org>, Joshua Kwan
>>>>> <joshk@triplehelix.org> writes: 

 > When they ask for help, they often are told to RTFM to fix the
 > problem (not that it isn't a solution) and basically read up all
 > the manpages that a systems administrator would read, in order to
 > fix his or her problem. But all they want to do is enjoy a truly
 > free OS and probably do whatever it is they used to do with
 > whatever distribution they used previously, or perhaps whatever
 > non-free OS they used previously :). No hassles. Is it too much to
 > ask?

	Yes. Unless they are paying for my time.

	Really, the OS Debian puts together can be an amazingly
 flexible tool for numerous different problem spaces -- but this
 strenght comes with a learning curve. I am not sure that we can
 address the larger problem of this expaded choice (yeah, yeaf, we can
 and are working on hardware detection, and installers have
 progressivly improved with every release of Debian, and they shall
 continue to do so). 

	But I think the problems root cause is not the details, which
 are merely a manisfestation of the symptoms -- the problems is a
 difference in attitudes, and philosophies, between the expert intent
 on learning about his hobby and his tools, and the casual user merely
 wishing to get things done, and who wouldn't give two hoots about
 the system that enables him to do so.

 When God endowed human beings with brains, He did not intend to
 guarantee them.
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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