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Menu location for CD-R software?


(I don't subscribe to this list, so please keep my address cc'd when
you reply.  I'll try to watch for answers on the list, but cc'ing me
would be much more efficient...)

(If I am writing to the wrong list entirely, please let me know the
correct list.)

Recently, I finally decided to try burning CD's in Debian.  So I
installed 4 or 5 of the CD recording software packages to see which
one I liked best.

Then I went to go find them in the KDE menus.  Results presented in
the format  <menu> : <application menu name>

Applications :  CDBakeOven, KreateCD
Debian->Apps->System : cdrtoaster, X-cd-roast
Debian->Apps->Tools : KreateCD, cdbakeoven
Multimedia : nothing
Utilities->Debian : KreateCD, cdbakeoven

This seems somewhat counter-intuitive to me, and probably the sort
of issue worth resolving as part of getting more serious about Linux
on the desktop.  I don't see anything relevant in the menu sub-policy
(yes, I actually looked for and found such a thing--good on you for
having it), and I can easily understand making a distinction between
"system" cd-burning software for backups and "multimedia" software
for making audio or video CD's or DVD's.  But if that was the idea
here, I don't understand.

So, a few ideas, in case they help:

. Perhaps add something to menu-policy clarifying where this
  category of software belongs
. How about making sub-menus in Multimedia called "players"
  and "recorders"?  Maybe KDE limits your flexibility here...
. Consider simplifying the menu locations of these packages


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