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Re: berkeleydb version insanity

> > Changing what version of DB you use is a major pain.
> Amen. I try to do it only when other changes to the format of my
> databases become necessary.

Hmm, that's what I suspected -- that the problem was a lot more
complicated than I was guessing on the surface.  But the fact that 300
packages Depend: on libdb3 and only 90 Depend: on libdb2 suggests to
me that upstream packages are mostly keeping up.

How are other distros handling this, anyone know?  And do we have any
way to figure out if most of the apps using v2 are really only using
the 1.85 interface?

As a test, I rebuilt Apache on a box here to use libdb3 and it worked
ok, but I haven't tried all the modules, php, etc ... 


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