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Re: Freeze Please?

Paul Hedderly <bulkpaul@mjr.org> writes:

> On Thu, Feb 06, 2003 at 07:22:26PM +0100, Marcelo E. Magallon wrote:
>>  Or put in another way, if the testing maintainance scripts are working
>>  ok, why can't we release testing today?
> Wrong.
> The "testing maintenance scripts" are working just fine and dandy.
> What is not working, is your understanding of what testing is! It's not
> "newer version of stable" It's not even meant to be for wide 'use'. It's
> just a _testing_ area to make sure that pacakge dependancies and
> inter-opperation is working correctly - and to that measure it is
> brilliant.

In that case, why do we even make testing publicly available, or have it
exist at all prior to the freeze?  It would make more sense to me to
introduce it when we freeze, in other words, when testing is ready to
live up to its name.  We could keep the testing scripts running and keep
update_excuses output around so we could monitor the progress of
"testing"; just the distribution would not be available to actually use
until ready.

I think it would definitely be a Good Thing to keep all the naive
testing users we have now from using testing, since so many of them
don't even realize how many security holes are in their distribution.

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