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Re: gcc 3.2 transition in unstable

On Wed, Jan 08, 2003 at 01:28:58PM -0500, H. S. Teoh wrote:

> Umm... if I were an upstream author, I'd choose the soname based on the
> API.

Then you're not fit to be an upstream library author, because you don't
understand that an ABI can change *as a result of changes you make*,
without any corresponding changes to the API.  One example of this is
changing the size of a data type, which may provide complete source
compatibility while completely breaking binary compatibility.

Moreover, encoding API information into a binary object (which, being
binary, exports only an ABI -- not an API) is worthless.

The soname should uniquely identify the ABI, to the extent the ABI is
under upstream's control.  We *should* have a mechanism for handling ABI
incompatibilities beyond upstream's control, but that's not going to be
fixed here.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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