RE: orphaning my packages
On Wed, 20 Nov 2002, Chanka Ashan Perera wrote:
> thanks for your mail i want to know some thing is it possible to join to the
It's a webpage. You don't 'join' webpages.
> if so how can i join to check and maintain some packages? is it by
> emailing to these package developers ?
Time to start reading the references, methinks. Section 5.5 of the
developers reference answers this question. Go forth and be enlightened.
> i think while doing some thing alone its good if i can join to some group
> of people who do maintainer jobs
You're effectively a part of it now, by being on the mailing list. Just
dive in, and when you're struggling, ask good, pertinent questions. Check
out esr's "How to ask good questions" at
Oh, and quit the top-posting. It's annoying and against the common
Matthew Palmer, Debian Developer
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