Hi all, I am 20 years old and
present Iām following the 2nd year of B.Sc. Degree in
Computing from Iām currently settled
down with Debian Gnu/Linux and I would like to join to Debian development,
maintenance, bug tracking system and in all the parts in GNU. To know more about me
please look at the CV ā html version. Please be kind enough and
help me to get in to Debian development. Thank you, Chanka perera |
Chanka Ashan Perera
E-mail chanka@sdf.lonestar.org
Web http://chanka.freeshell.org
Use my knowledge, experience and professionalism to be excel the trade of Information Technology
Name in Full : Weerasuriya Arachchige Chanka Ashan Perera
Date of Birth : 23rd of July 1982
Sex : Male
School Attend : Ananda College
Interest and activities : Surfing Internet, Chatting with friends, reading computer books and Science fictions and I like to swim and play cricket as other activities
WORK EXPERIENCE (01/01/2002-Present)
Lab Assistant at APIIT-LANKA
Performing all duties related to System Administration on Compaq Proliant 1500 running Windows 2000 Server, Red Hat Linux 7.1 Server, Solaris 8 on Sun Blade 100 and hardware and software technical support.EDUCATION QUALIFICATIONS
Following 2nd year of Degree (B.Sc.Computing and Information Technology) Staffordshire University UK (Asia Pacific Institute of information technology, Level 3, Access Towers, 278, Union Place, Colombo 02)
Languages : C/C++,PHP, Java, AWK, HTML
Operating Systems : I have hands on experience in all of the following Operating Systems especially UNIX-SYSTEMS, GNU/Linux : Debian 2.2,woody , RedHat Linux 6.2, 7.0, 7.1,7.2,7.3,SuSe Linux ,Solaris 8.0,SCO-UNIX, Microsoft: MS-DOS,MS-Windows 3.1/95/98/2000/XP
Computer Hardware : Knowledge of computer hardware and network devices
Athletics at Ananda College Having Sports Certificates in Athletics( Inter Schools and Ananda College sports meets every year 1988-2001) Swimming, Cricket, Tennis and Chess at Inter House Level.
Member of Lanka Linux User Group http://lug.lk
Member and Board Member of College Clubs and Societies (Computer Club, Interact Club, Chemistry and Physics Club, United Nations etc.)
I represented Ananda College Computer Club in Exhibitions, including Quiz competition organized by Sirasa FM, APIIT-LANKA, and other schools