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Re: Discussion - non-free software removal

This one time, at band camp, Jim Penny said:
> Wow, an actual testable hypothesis.  Is non-free growing relative to
> main?  Is it growing absolutely?  Could we have some numbers on how non-free 
> has changed across the years?  
> My own impression is that it is actually getting smaller, both
> relatively, and probably absolutely.
> If so, it is my opinion that this acrimonious debate is not worth 
> the electrons used to illuminate it.
> Jim Penny


steve:~$ zgrep 'Package: ' Sources.gz | wc -l

steve:~$ zgrep 'Package: ' Sources.gz | wc -l

Sid (updated 11/13):
steve:~$ grep 'Package: '
/var/lib/apt/lists/http.us.debian.org_debian_dists_unstable_non-free_source_Sources | wc -l

This is just a quick grep of Sources.gz from the non-free tree.  I did
not yet check previous releases, but it doesn't appear at a glance to
have grown appreciably in several years.

Steve (who is not a d-d)
|Stephen Gran                  | And the silence came surging softly           |
|steve@lobefin.net             | backwards When the plunging hooves were       |
|http://www.lobefin.net/~steve | gone...   -- Walter de La Mare, "The          |
|                              | Listeners"                                    |

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