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Re: I've tested the PGI installer

On Sat, 26 Oct 2002 19:49:15 -0500
Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org> wrote:

>  It's not grave.  Video cards falling over dead when they receive DDC
>  probes is the hardware manufacturer's fault.

It's really grave, at least in my opinion. I am testing (or better,
trying) a graphical installer! 

Suppose that I am an unexperienced user, if it wasn't so I wouldn't use
the pgi. The installation program starts and it hangs. I don't know the
reason. Without having the necessary knowledge to switch to a virtual
console and run "ps" to identify the hanged process, I simply can't
install debian, so that bug affects the ability to run the entire
program, and this kind of bugs are grave. An average user would just
say: "debian sucks! it locks during the installation", so this bug has
to be solved. We have to recognise that there are many older video cards
that don't respect DDC and could hang the same way, and be sure that the
installer would run fine (with a reasonable fallback) in those cases.

It's really silly (I am not offending anyone, just claiming that the bug
is important) to have an installer hanging up on DDC read, I will do my
best to identify the bug (had no time in the weekend), we should also
consider that the program ddcprobe from package kudzu-vesa correctly
reports that the card doesn't respect ddc, and doesn't hang.

Vincenzo Ciancia

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you,
then they fight you, then you win.

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